
Capture every service component’s status at a glance and keep users updated in real-time.

Build Trust With Every Incident

Statuspage enables businesses to proactively communicate with their customers during an incident — thereby eliminating the flood of duplicate support tickets, clunky email lists, and unhappy customers. In fact, companies like DigitalOcean, Dropbox, and Intercom are already using Statupage to communicate the real-time status of an incident to their customers.

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Advantages of Statuspage

Teams across your organization — Support, IT, DevOps, Incident Response, and even Sales and Marketing — can leverage Statuspage to proactively communicate with customers. Boost customer confidence and create higher support team visibility without overwhelming them with tickets.

Manage subscribers and send consistent messages through various channels (i.e., email, text message, in-app message, etc.)


Create transparency for all stakeholders across the support process, from the initial incident investigation to its ultimate resolution


Integrate with other popular monitoring, alerting, chat, and helpdesk tools to manage incidents more efficiently

Statuspage Features


Support & IT Teams:
Deliver Optimized Customer Support

  • Enables users to subscribe to email or SMS notifications, either for the entire system or individual components.
  • Create personalized notifications via CSS or HTML for your corporate identity.

DevOps & IT Teams:
Keep Customers Up-to-Date

  • Display information about the status of your services in real-time (but only the elements you select).
  • Display the status of the tools that your service relies on (e.g., Stripe, Mailgun, Shopify, PagerDuty, etc.) — integrates with 150+ third-party tools.

Incident Response Teams:
Improve Communications

  • Provide customers with real-time information about breakdowns, planned maintenance work, etc.
  • Use ready-made templates to quickly communicate incidents.
  • Tightly integrate with your existing incident management tools.

Marketing & Sales Teams:
Demonstrate Reliability

  • Use the “Uptime Showcase” feature to turn your site into a sales and marketing tool.
  • Demonstrate reliability by providing your existing and prospective customers with historical uptime and response time data.


Statuspage Atlassian is a real-time communication service that is used to communicate between businesses and their customers during an incident. It eliminates duplicate support tickets and clunky email lists so improving the customer experience and support.

Yes, Statuspage was founded in 2013. However, in 2016, it was acquired by Atlassian.

You can use Statuspage to manage and send messages to subscribers via various channels (i.e., email, text message, in-app message, etc.) It can also be easily integrated with other helpdesk tools to improve efficiency when monitoring, alerting, and speaking with customers when incidents occur.

Statuspage IO can be hosted and integrated with several systems including DataDog, New Relic, Librato, Slack, Twitter, and Librato. When an issue is dectected, an alert will be displayed showing an update your page.

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