Jira Software / Jira Core

Plan, track and release world-class software with the #1 software development tool for Agile teams.

One System, Infinite Uses

Jira Software is a process and project management system that can be used as-is or adapted and extended to meet your software development team’s unique needs. Use Jira to create, plan, discuss, and prioritize tasks with complete transparency — thereby improving your team’s confidence and performance. Efficiently gather and maintain product requirements, get real-time status updates, and set up bug-fixing processes to release high-quality software both on-time and on-budget.

Jira software banner

Customize Your Jira System

GlobalLogic can also advise you on selecting additional Jira products or Marketplace apps to further extend the capabilities of your Jira system:

Comprehensive consultation tailored to your system requirements


Technical integration of selected products or apps


Ability to obtain and support the corresponding Jira licenses

Jira Software Features


Plan and Track

  • Use virtual Scrum and Kanban boards to organize and track the progress of current tasks and identify backlog management capabilities.
  • Create user stories and tasks, plan sprints, and distribute tasks to your software team.
  • Prioritize and discuss team tasks in full context and with complete transparency.

Execute and Report

  • Improve your team’s performance based on real-time visual data.
  • Run real-time reports for project analysis.
  • Organize large change management projects, problem management initiatives, or routine maintenance tasks.

Become Agile

  • Experience unparalleled flexibility with Jira, whether you’re an experienced Agile expert or a complete novice.
  • Kickstart your team’s collaboration with GlobalLogic’s custom workflows — or create your own!
  • Connect your system to other Jira products or Marketplace apps to extend your capabilities

Why Buy Jira?

GL_Icon_Chevron Flexible Planning

Jira Software’s comprehensive planning capabilities provide your team with unparalleled flexibility in planning as best suits them.

GL_Icon_Chevron Value-Oriented Prioritization

Organize user stories, procedures, and bugs in your product backlog with simple drag-and-drop prioritization. Ensure that the stories that deliver the most customer value always have the highest priority.

GL_Icon_Chevron Precise Estimates

Estimates help your team to work more accurately and efficiently. Use story points, hours, T-shirt sizes, or your own estimation method. Jira Software supports them all.

GL_Icon_Chevron Transparent Design

Whether your team is sitting at the same table or scattered around the world, Jira Software brings a new level of transparency to your team’s work and keeps everyone on the same page.

GL_Icon_Chevron Meaningful Results

Comprehensive reporting features provide your team with important information on its Agile process. Thanks to data support, retrospectives are even more data-oriented and meaningful than before.

GL_Icon_Chevron Scalable Development

Create and modify task categories, fields, and workflows as you wish, according to the needs of your team. Jira Software is an Agile project management tool for teams of any shape and size.

Jira Advantages


Jira Software

Jira Software gives you extra Agile functionality, including the ability to schedule Agile work from the project backlog to each sprint. Jira offers Kanban and Scrum boards, the ability to estimate the time to resolve problems as you prioritize your backlog, and robust reporting capabilities that range from burn-down diagrams to speed measurements.

  • Agile
  • Flexible planning & tracking functions
  • Deep integration with your favorite developer tools

Jira Core

Even if development work is not on your target list, Jira Core leverages Atlassian’s workflow engine to enable teams to create organized, easy-to-use, task-oriented projects. Whether you have a simple task list or a robust 7-workflow with strong automation, Jira Core meets all your needs.

  • Individual workflows
  • Easy communication
  • Measure performance with overview, customized dashboards, or pre-defined reports


Jira core is used by companies to create, plan, discuss, and prioritize tasks with complete transparency. It is a process and project management system that can be used as-is, adapted, or extended to meet the unique needs of different companies.

The core areas of Jira focus on issue types (task, work item, and job), fields (summary, description, and labels), and workflows (open, in progress and closed.)

The difference between Jira core vs Jira service desk lies in the processes. Jira Service Desk is used by teams who receive incoming issues/requests from other teams/customers. Whereas, Jira core helps business to manage their work by creating items and workflows.

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