
The professional tool of choice for continuous integration, deployment, and delivery.

Deliver Continuously

Bamboo automates your software projects so that you can deliver continuously, from code to deployment. Publish faster and with fewer bugs through Bamboo’s automated testing capabilities. Bamboo makes it easy to create multi-level build plans, set up triggers to launch commits on builds, and assign key builds and deployment agents.

Bamboo banner

Your Bamboo Experts

Bamboo enables your teams to combine automated builds, tests, and releases into a single workflow for optimal product deployment. GlobalLogic’s Atlassian consultants can:

Demonstrate how your team can use Bamboo to improve testing and deployment


Help you plan, select, adapt, and implement the tool into your own unique system

Bamboo Features


Build & Test

  • Save time by automating the publishing process for different environments.
  • Ensure thorough regression on every change.
  • Parallel automated testing enables you to identify bugs faster and more easily.

Connect & Support

  • Integrates with Bitbucket, Jira Software, and over 150 apps from the Atlassian product portfolio.
  • GlobalLogic supports you across the planning, implementation, and adaptation phases.


Atlassian bamboo is a tool used for continuous integration, deployment, and delivery. The server can automate software applications to create a continuous delivery pipeline.

Yes, the Bamboo test automation was a tool developed by Atlassian in 2007. The tool allows developers to automatically build, document, integrate, test, and prepare an app for deployment.

Jira Bamboo is an integration tool used to view and monitor the development process of a Bamboo app on Jira without leaving the project management software.

Meet Our Experts

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