Digital Refugees of the COVID-19 Crisis
Those who do not use technology in their everyday lives are being forced to connect in ways they never have before.
Women in Tech: An Interview with CIO Sunny Azadeh
In celebration of International Women's Day 2020, we're proud to highlight GlobalLogic's CIO, Sunny Azadeh.
Everyone is Exceptional at Something
People will naturally perform better when they do things that bring them energy and excitement—and as managers, it serves us best to help our teams find that sweet spot.
Innovators and Laggards: The Technology Landscape of 2019
In the 1960s, sociologist Everett Rogers produced a roadmap showing how innovations are adopted and, eventually, become obsolete. Later, author Geoffrey Moore wrote a book called “Crossing the Chasm” that detailed how companies and technologies succeed or fail to progress from “early adopter” to “early majority” status. Moore’s work further popularized Roger’s categories, and words like “innovator” and “early adopter” have become a firm fixture of the Silicon Valley and world-wide technology vocabulary.
What Makes A Software Architect?
Mobile apps often have many screens and features, so how do you know where to look when there’s a performance issue? Learn the fastest, most efficient way to profile your mobile app.
Aphorisms for Software Management
What does Yogi Berra have to do with software? GlobalLogic's CTO, Dr. Jim Walsh, explains the connection between aphorisms and software management.
According to GlobalLogic’s CTO, Dr. Jim Walsh, Tesla vehicles are the epitome of platform-based systems, which prioritize the ability to change and adapt on a continuous basis.
Enterprise Social Networking is NOT Social Networking
Our VP of Technology shares how he first launched GlobalLogic’s enterprise social networking platform five years ago, and how it is benefitting the company now.
A key benefit to working with a company like GlobalLogic from a CTO / VP Engineering perspective is that it can essentially eliminate the risk of staffing and delivery.