Experience Design
Adaptive and Intuitive Design: Disrupting Sports Broadcasting
Working hand-in-hand with Method, a GlobalLogic company, an on-demand sports platform has found success. So can companies within the sports betting industry.
User Experience as a Key Factor in the Automotive Industry
It is crucial to monitor and control software production throughout, to create the best possible user-centric experience and amplify the customer's experience with the automotive brand.
The Importance & Essentials of Crafting Insights in Design Research
Insights also help establish an emotional connection with the problem faced by end-users. It helps bring all the stakeholders who are part of the problem-solving activity on the same page by articulating a common goal.
Improving the Customer Experience: A Top Priority for Banks & Financial Services in 2021
As new technologies transform the ways we engage with banks and financial services providers, customers are more likely to focus on the experience that an institute provides them rather than just the product or service offerings.
The Coronavirus pandemic and work from home life have ushered in new applications for AR and VR. Learn how it’s used today and what’s on the development horizon.
Mastering the Three Fundamentals of Omni-CX
GlobalLogic's CX Value Chain Assessment is designed to help clients take a customer-centric and pragmatic approach to understanding their organisation’s ability to effectively sense (predict) and respond (proactive, personalised) to their omni customers with branded goods, services, and product experiences.
The Changing Face of the Customer
The CX ecosystem will continue to evolve and the boundaries between online and offline worlds will continue to blur.
GlobalLogic Cafe: Digital Leadership — Creating a (Software) Product Driven Organization
A (software) product driven organization delivers value through software and challenges the current structure and legacy approaches to IT and product development.
Why Gen Zers Aren’t Sports Fans (And What Broadcasters Can Do About It)
Technology is the cornerstone of how Gen Zers interact with the world. Can it also turn them into more avid sports fans?
Is Your Product Strategy “Digital” Enough? (Part 2)
Now that we understand the symptoms that arise while implementing product strategies that aren’t “digital” enough, let’s discuss how to alleviate them by strengthening your product strategy.