
The dilemma is new, the parameters are not.


As a business owner, it’s difficult to decide where to invest your money and heart when it comes to technology solutions. Do you create a fancy app for your business in place of your mobile site? Or, to make things more complicated, in addition to your mobile site to take it to the next level? To be honest, I don’t have the answer, but I can bring things out into the open so you have a better understanding of your options.

Quite a few major enterprises are moving towards using apps today. Why?

Simply put, because it is cool and convenient -- to the customer, that is. It’s a boutique product done “just for you” and your device. People who are used to an iPhone or Android “feel” will be able to work with your app just like they would with any other feature of an iPhone. The swipes, the menu, the icons - all are custom made for their device.

This makes the app sticky. Because of the convenience the user finds on your app, s/he would keep clicking the icon rather than going to the website of your competition.

In the eCommerce world, for example, some players started going “app only” so that they could reduce scenarios where users bargain hunt across multiple sites loaded on multiple tabs on their phone browsers -- similar to looking at multiple stalls on a street corner. By going app only and investing in your app being addictive through gamification and other engagement tactics, you make it more inconvenient for the user to go out and hop -- like driving to a standalone boutique store.

You have more chances of converting the deal through an app, and you can also use a lot of the user’s phone features (e.g., using the camera to photography how an outfit looks on the user, using geolocation to provide relevant location-based offers, accessing a user’s bluetooth and contacts to do more things). This is similar to a boutique shop investing in enhancers like a cafe or gift corner to boost sales and margins rather than just “doing the thing.”

So why aren’t all businesses taking the same route?

The problems are many. You have multiple OSes (e.g., iOS, Android, Windows), form factors (e.g., mobiles, tablets, phablets), and variations within them (e.g., iPhone 5 is a different size than 6, which is different from 6+). Also, different OS and phone versions are not always backwards compatible. If you code for each of them, how many code versions must you maintain? And if you make compromises, you make your users unhappy and dilute the wow factor that was your basic premise.

Then there are other considerations. Apps take space on the phone. They crowd the phone real estate, meaning users tend to have a limited number of apps on their phones. Your app may not be lucky or compelling enough to stick around on the phone, which will compel you to maintain a mobile site in addition to the app, adding yet another layer of complexity. And even though you have so many different versions of code, you will be expected to maintain a consistent look and feel (and features) across the different versions.

There is always a third solution, isn’t there?

Some choose to build hybrid apps using platforms like PhoneGap, Appcelerator, or plain HTML5. These apps are actually mobile web sites but mimic the look and feel (and idiosyncrasies) of a mobile device. You can customise the solution to a specific device to the extent you wish, or even start with a generic solution and progressively make it specific based on user response. Hybrid apps tend to bring out the best of the both worlds -- albeit, in a limited sense.

As I stated earlier, this article does not provide you with specific answers, only some options and points that you should consider based on my discussions with executives at some of the top eCommerce players in India, the US and the UK. Your final solution will obviously depend on the money you have, the team you can afford, and your particular business’ unique needs. For example, if you are an eCommerce solution, you should probably develop apps; if you are a media site, you may decide based on the depth of your pockets!

Piyush Jha is AVP of Product Engineering for GlobalLogic India. He heads the delivery of the Retail and ECommerce vertical for GlobalLogic globally. He specializes in eCommerce, mobility, IoT and experience design. His interests include reading and travelling the globe to imbibe different cultures. Follow him on LinkedIn.

Autonomous vehicles or driverless cars are perhaps one of the IoT technologies best known to consumers. Self-driving cars count on sensors, actuators, complex algorithms, machine learning systems, controllers, and powerful processors to steer clear of hazards and accidents on public roadways.

How are their data sets created, and what benefits might driverless cars offer consumers and various industry players? In this whitepaper, we explore the technology driving autonomous vehicles forward and how it is improving the safety, cost-effectiveness, and environmental impact of self-driving cars.

Accelerate Your Automotive Software Innovation

GlobalLogic's SDV Cloud Framework and Eclipse Automotive Integration


Download our whitepaper to discover how GlobalLogic's SDV Cloud Framework and Eclipse Leda integration can transform your automotive development processes.


Key Highlights

  • Understand the Shift to Software Defined Vehicles (SDVs): Learn about the profound changes SDVs bring to the automotive industry.
  • Overcome OEM Challenges: Explore the key obstacles faced by OEMs and how to address them effectively.
  • Leverage the SDV Cloud Framework: Discover the benefits of a scalable, flexible cloud framework tailored for automotive development.
  • Maximize Efficiency with Virtual Workbench: See how virtualization can enhance collaboration and reduce costs.
  • Streamline Management with Control Center: Centralize project management and infrastructure control for seamless operations.
  • Enhance Development with Eclipse Leda Integration: Benefit from a pre-configured environment that accelerates development and testing.


Want to learn more about the benefits of the SDV cloud framework and Eclipse Leda integration? Download our whitepaper and read what our experts have to say about these key factors that contribute to business-added value.

Accelerated Time-to-Market

  • Standardized development processes reduce errors and rework.
  • Early problem identification and rapid response to market changes.

Enhanced Quality and Reduced Costs

  • Feature pipelines ensure timely product quality.
  • Virtualized testing reduces costs and simplifies change management.

Expanded Business Opportunities

  • Modular architecture enables tailored SDV solutions.
  • Scalability and adaptability to changing market conditions.

Increased Developer Agility and Productivity

  • Integration with IBM Doors or Codebeamer allows developers to work across multiple platforms efficiently and reduces manual data entry.
  • End-to-end transparency ensures developers can easily track and manage their work, identify issues, and collaborate.

Collaboration and Ecosystem Benefits

  • Collaboration with multiple stakeholders within the Eclipse SDV ecosystem, defining common standards and integrating tools seamlessly.
  • Provide plug-in flexibility for OEMs to integrate various tools from various partners.
  • Developing precise, specialized tools to address OEM challenges, ensuring consistency and acceptance within the ecosystem.


Are you ready to redefine your automotive development processes with Eclipse Leda integration opportunities?

From virtual assistants like Siri and Alexa to self-driving cars and generative AI platforms like ChatGPT, artificial intelligence (AI) and its subset, machine learning (ML), are changing how we live, work, and play.

In the five years McKinsey has been tracking AI use worldwide, adoption has more than doubled, although its use in business organizations has held steady between 50-60% for the past few years. While the first-mover advantage has passed, there’s still plenty of opportunity to gain a competitive advantage by implementing AI to help your business be more agile, responsive, and innovative than others in your field.

If you’re still on the fence about adopting AI for your business or are searching for new ways various AI technologies could benefit your business, read on. In this post, you’ll find a comprehensive overview of what exactly AI is and why it matters, a timeline of AI milestones, the advantages and disadvantages of various AI technologies, and how it’s being used in different businesses today. 

What is Artificial Intelligence?

Artificial intelligence enables computers to simulate human thought processes and behavior, such as making decisions, solve problems, understanding language, recognizing images and faces, and more. Using constantly learning and adapting algorithms, AI systems can provide near-human accuracy and dramatically scale operations across many tasks and industries.

AI is one of our most significant technological advances, and its applications are becoming increasingly widespread. Businesses of all sizes are taking advantage of AI’s potential to improve customer service, increase efficiency and productivity, reduce costs, make better predictions about markets or customers, automate time-consuming and redundant tasks, analyze vast amounts of data, and develop new products and services faster than ever before. 

Recommended reading: AI's Impact on Software Development: Where We Are & What Comes Next

In addition to being an effective tool for improving efficiency and productivity, intelligent systems can anticipate user needs and provide tailored solutions quickly and accurately by leveraging deep learning algorithms.

Additionally, AI can help organizations identify trends in data faster and more accurately. With access to large amounts of data from both inside and outside a company’s own network, AI can uncover insights that would otherwise remain undetected. This enables companies to make better decisions about allocating resources and gain a competitive edge in their industry. AI is fast becoming essential for any business looking to stay ahead of the competition.

A Brief History of AI Development

Artificial intelligence has come a long way since its inception in the 1950s. Some of the key dates in AI development include:

1956: The term “artificial intelligence” was coined by John McCarthy at the first AI conference at Dartmouth College.

1967: Frank Rosenblatt created the Mark 1 Perceptron, the first computer utilizing a neural network. It was able to quickly learn through continued experimentation. 

1980s: Symbolics Lisp machines are commercialized, and neutral networks using the backpropagation algorithm became common in AI applications.

1997: IBM’s Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov.

2008: Google achieved significant advancements in speech recognition technology, which it incorporated into its iPhone application.

2011: Apple introduced Siri, a virtual assistant powered by artificial intelligence, to its iOS operating system.

2018: Google launched BERT, a natural language processing engine that made it easier for machine learning applications to translate and understand conversational queries.

2022: OpenAI released ChatGPT, a conversational AI that utilizes a large language model.

2023: Microsoft has recently released a new AI-powered version of its search engine Bing, which utilizes the same technology as ChatGPT. In response, Google has introduced its own conversational AI called Bard, creating competition in the market.

Thanks to advances in machine learning models such as deep neural networks and reinforcement learning algorithms, AI technology is constantly improving. These milestones in AI development demonstrate AI technology's increasing sophistication and capabilities and its potential to revolutionize various industries.

Types of Artificial Intelligence

There are two main categories of artificial intelligence: narrow AI and strong AI. Narrow or weak AI focuses on specific tasks and can be used for language processing, facial recognition, and natural language understanding. On the other hand, strong AI or artificial general intelligence (AGI) has the potential to emulate human-level intelligence across a wide range of skills and tasks.

Weak AI (Narrow AI)

Weak AI, also known as narrow AI, is artificial intelligence that focuses on one specific set of tasks and is limited to the task for which it was designed. It cannot be applied to different problems. This makes it ideal for applications where speed and accuracy are essential, such as language processing, facial recognition, and natural language understanding.

One of the most significant advantages of weak AI is that it can quickly process large amounts of data while making fewer mistakes than humans. Businesses can use weak AI to automate mundane tasks or uncover insights from large datasets more accurately than manual labor. Additionally, weak AI can be trained rapidly due to its narrow scope.

Strong AI (Artificial General Intelligence)

Strong AI or Artificial General Intelligence is the next step in artificial intelligence. It refers to machines that can perform a specific task and possess a human-like level of understanding and reasoning. 

Unlike weak AI, strong AI has the potential to think for itself and solve complex problems without needing any kind of external programming or instruction. This means it can learn from its environment and even develop an understanding of its capabilities without human intervention.

Deep Learning vs. Machine Learning

Deep learning and machine learning have become increasingly popular in recent years as companies of all sizes seek to leverage the power of AI for their businesses. But what’s the difference between deep learning and machine learning? While both are branches of artificial intelligence that use algorithms to learn from data, there are essential differences between them.

Machine learning focuses on identifying patterns in data and using those patterns to make predictions or decisions. 

Deep learning takes this concept further by using layers of “neurons” to simulate how a human brain works and improve its ability to recognize patterns. This allows for much higher accuracy when making predictions or decisions based on data.

Deep learning is often used for tasks such as speech recognition and natural language processing, which require understanding complex relationships between words and concepts — something machine learning alone cannot do. 

Machine learning and deep learning each have unique advantages that make them useful for different applications. Companies should consider carefully which is best suited to their needs before investing in either technology. With the right guidance, companies can seamlessly integrate these AI capabilities.

Advantages of Using AI in Business

The advantages of using AI are numerous; here are some examples.

Personalization: AI can help businesses personalize customer interactions by analyzing customer data and tailoring marketing and sales efforts accordingly. This can lead to better customer experiences and increased customer loyalty.

Enhanced decision-making: AI can analyze vast amounts of data quickly and accurately, providing insights that can inform business decisions. This can lead to better decision-making and more informed strategies.

Cost savings: AI can help businesses save money by automating tasks and reducing the need for human intervention. For example, AI-powered chatbots can handle customer inquiries and support requests, reducing the need for human customer service representatives.

Improved efficiency: AI-powered systems can automate repetitive and time-consuming tasks, allowing employees to focus on higher-value tasks. This can lead to increased productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

Competitive advantage: Businesses that adopt AI early on can gain a competitive advantage over their peers by leveraging the technology to improve their operations, products, and services.

Predictive analytics: AI can be used to analyze historical data and identify patterns and trends. This can help businesses predict future outcomes and make more accurate forecasts.

Fraud detection: AI can detect fraudulent activities and transactions in real time. This can help businesses prevent financial losses and protect their reputation.

Improved customer service: AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants can provide round-the-clock customer service, responding to inquiries and providing support at all hours.

Automation of complex tasks: AI can automate data analysis, financial modeling, and supply chain optimization tasks to save time and reduce errors.

Improved cybersecurity: AI can detect and respond to cyber threats in real time, helping businesses protect their data and infrastructure from cyber-attacks.

AI Disadvantages & Limitations

Despite the numerous benefits of artificial intelligence, there are also some potential drawbacks. One of the most prominent disadvantages is that AI systems require significant amounts of data to function correctly. This means that if a company does not have access to enough data, it may not reap AI's full benefits.

AI-powered systems can sometimes make mistakes due to errors in programming or incorrect data input. This could lead to problems such as inaccurate customer service information or even security breaches if sensitive information is compromised due to an AI system’s mistake.

Overall, while AI offers numerous advantages for businesses, companies must consider the potential benefits and risks of using these systems before investing time and money into developing one. GlobalLogic can help you assess where to incorporate AI technology and help with the transition management.

How Businesses Use AI in Various Industries

Intelligent automations can augment and amplify the best of human performance, enabling a business to scale and grow at a rate that would otherwise be impossible. 

As Sanjeev Azad, Vice President of Technology here at GlobalLogic, shared with CXO Today recently, “Contact-center automation, customer segmentation & service analytics, business process automation and services optimization, predictive maintenance and remote assistance, risk modeling and analytics, and fraud detection and analytics are few businesses use cases where adoption of AI is playing a significant role.”

  • GlobalLogic Intelli-Insights helps companies in all industries activate the power of their data by providing pre-defined standard AI apps and custom app-building capabilities inside our AI-powered data analysis platform. This digital accelerator enables companies to quickly transform data into actionable insight without having niche data science skills in-house. 

Here are several more examples of how companies use AI to their advantage in different industries.


In finance, AI is used for fraud detection, risk assessment, regulatory compliance, investment strategy, and more. Anywhere data can be analyzed and used to make predictions and decisions, AI can help. 

You can read about a specific application of AI in fintech here. In this example, a well-trained machine learning model constantly analyzed market data and made appropriate portfolio adjustments to continuously improve performance.

AI is being used to help insurers identify and mitigate risks by analyzing data from various sources, including social media, weather reports, and satellite imagery. Using AI to analyze customer data and predict future needs or behavior can help banks offer personalized services and products. It works to detect fraud and prevent financial crimes, saving banks money, and can automate repetitive tasks such as data entry for companies in insurance, investments, fintech, cybersecurity, and more.


One of the most impactful ways AI is used in healthcare is in diagnostic imaging. AI algorithms can analyze CT scans, MRIs, and X-rays to process results faster and detect anomalies that may not be visible to the human eye. AI can help doctors diagnose diseases earlier and more effectively manage patient care by analyzing patient data to predict disease progression and identify potential complications.

AI is used to develop personalized patient treatment plans based on their medical histories and genetic makeup. It’s also valuable for creating new drugs and treatments, and analyzing clinical trial data to help researchers identify new treatments and therapies. 

Check out other ways AI is used in healthcare here:

Click to read How Digitization Is Changing Medtech, Life Sciences, and Healthcare



AI is used in the media industry in various ways, from content creation and audience targeting to creating personalized news feeds and analyzing social media data to determine what topics are trending.

AI can be used for transcription, translation, and image and video analysis tasks. Major media and entertainment brands have used AI for video encoding, augmented reality projects, and analyzing and predicting consumer content.

Recommended reading: AI is the Future of Media


AI is used in the retail industry in various ways, such as personalized customer experience, inventory management, and supply chain optimization. For example, retailers use AI to gather data about their customer’s preferences and behaviors and then use that data to offer personalized product recommendations and promotions. AI-powered chatbots also provide customer service and support.

Additionally, AI optimizes inventory management by predicting demand and ensuring that the right products are available at the right time. AI is also used in supply chain optimization to improve logistics, reduce costs, and increase efficiency. Here is a case study of how AI was used to create a next-gen retail product that blends online and in-store shopping.


AI is used in the manufacturing industry in several ways. One of the most common applications of AI in manufacturing is predictive maintenance. By using sensors and data analysis, AI can predict when a machine is likely to fail and schedule maintenance before it does. This can save companies money in unplanned downtime and repairs.

AI can also optimize production processes by analyzing data on everything from raw materials to energy consumption to identify opportunities for improvement. Additionally, AI can improve quality control by analyzing data from sensors and cameras to identify product defects and anomalies as they are manufactured. 

Today’s business landscape is changing rapidly, and those that can take advantage of AI have the edge over their competitors. By leveraging AI's power, businesses can better understand their customers and increase productivity while reducing costs and creating new efficiencies.

Final Thoughts 

Artificial intelligence is a potent tool for businesses of all sizes. AI can help streamline processes, improve efficiency, and save time and money. Additionally, AI can provide real-time insights into customer and user behavior to inform marketing campaigns or product development. 

Businesses need to take advantage of these benefits to remain profitable in the long run. While a wide variety of AI applications are available, it’s essential to thoroughly assess each before deciding which suits your company. Training employees on how to use these tools effectively to get the most out of them is also critical to the success of each AI implementation.

GlobalLogic developed our AI/ML Center of Excellence to help customers make informed decisions about and implement AI to increase business efficiency, continuity, and profitability. The best practices, tools, and proven processes available via our CoE are based on our extensive experience helping customers transform their businesses with AI-powered solutions and developing AI products.  


Get in touch today and see how we can put this experience and expertise to work for you.

Executives, decision-makers, technical experts, and Google Cloud partners converged at Google Cloud Next to explore cutting-edge innovations and industry trends. GlobalLogic was there, speaking about modernization strategy and delivering a Cube talk on Intelligently Engineering the Next GenAI Platform we are building for Hitachi.

Among the buzz at GCN 2024, using GenAI for customer success and process and platform modernization with AI stole the spotlight. Innovative ways companies are evolving from proof of concepts to proof of value were hot topics, too. However, challenges like data integrity and legacy point systems loom large as enterprises shift towards those proof-of-value AI-driven solutions and efficient monetization strategies. Where should you focus now – and what comes next as you develop your innovation roadmap?

Here are five key trends and takeaways from the event that speak to the essential building blocks innovative companies need to lay the groundwork for successful enterprise-grade AI implementations.

1. Applying GenAI for Customer Success

Enterprise-Grade GenAI solutions for customer success are revolutionizing service quality and driving business outcomes. Imagine equipping your frontline staff with GenAI-driven agents, empowering them to ramp up productivity and provide every customer with a personalized, enhanced experience. Built-in multilingual customer support makes GenAI a versatile powerhouse for enterprise teams, catering seamlessly to a global customer base with diverse linguistic preferences. 

This transformative approach to customer success merges advanced technology with human expertise, paving the way for exceptional service delivery and business success in the digital age.

2. Modernizing the Tech Stack & Transforming the SDLC

GenAI is reshaping the software development landscape by empowering developers to drive efficiency and elevate code quality to new heights. This transformative approach extends beyond mere updates—it's about modernizing the entire stack, from infrastructure to user interface. 

Innovative approaches include automated code generation, building RAG-based applications, enhanced testing and QA, predictive maintenance, and continuous integration and deployment (CI/CD). Leveraging natural language processing (NLP) for documentation, behavioral analysis, automated performance optimization, and real-time monitoring and alerting, GenAI streamlines development processes, improves code quality, and enables proactive decision-making. GenAI empowers developers to drive efficiency, improve security, and elevate software quality to unprecedented heights throughout the SDLC by automating tasks, optimizing performance, and providing actionable insights. 

Through comprehensive refactoring of applications, GenAI is leading the charge towards a future-proofed ecosystem. However, this ambitious undertaking isn't without its challenges; it demands time, dedication, and a strategic roadmap for success. 

3. Building a Future-Forward Framework for Success

Enterprises face key challenges in unlocking the value of AI, such as ensuring data privacy and security, protecting intellectual property, and managing legal risks. Flexibility is essential to adapt to evolving models and platforms, while effective change management is crucial for successful integration. 

Embracing a 3-tier architecture with composable components over the core platform emerges as the future-forward approach, fostering flexibility and scalability. Having a robust infrastructure and data stack to underpin the GenAI layer is indispensable, forming the bedrock for successful implementation. We refer to this holistic framework as the "platform of platforms," which not only ensures alignment with business objectives but also facilitates the realization of optimal outcomes in the GenAI journey.

4. Monetizing Applications 

Monetization was a hot topic at Google Cloud Next, and enterprise organizations gravitate towards Google’s own Apigee for several reasons. Apigee’s robust API management platform offers versatile monetization models like pay-per-use and subscriptions, streamlined API productization, customizable developer portals, real-time revenue optimization analytics, seamless billing system integration, and robust security and compliance features. 

For example, we recently designed and built a solution for monetizing an application that uses APIs to access and leverage industry data stored in a cloud-based data lake. This allowed for scalable and serverless architecture, providing reliable and updated information for improved decision-making, identification of new opportunities, and early detection of potential problems. Apigee’s reputation as a trusted and reliable API management platform is backed by Google Cloud's expertise and infrastructure, further solidifying its appeal to enterprise customers.

5. Evolving the Intelligent Enterprise from POC to Proof of Value

Transitioning from Proof of Concept (POC) to Proof of Value (POV) marks a critical phase in adopting AI technologies, particularly in light of recent challenges. Many POCs implemented in the past year have faltered, and the pressure is on to demonstrate a return on AI investments.

Maturing your AI program from POCs to POV calls for a holistic approach that encompasses not only the capabilities of GenAI but also your foundational architecture, data integrity, and input sources. Maintaining data integrity throughout the AI lifecycle is paramount, as the quality and reliability of inputs significantly impact the efficacy of AI-driven solutions. Equally important is the evaluation and refinement of input sources, ensuring that they provide relevant and accurate data for training and inference purposes. 

Successful GenAI implementations are those that are reliable, responsible, and reusable, cultivating positive user experiences and deriving meaningful value for the enterprise. 

Responsibility means delivering accurate, lawful, and compliant responses that align with internal and external security and governance standards. Reliability shifts the focus to maintaining model integrity over time, combating drift, hallucinations, and emerging security threats with dynamic corrective measures. Finally, reusability emerges as a cornerstone, fostering the adoption of shared mechanisms for data ingestion, preparation, and model training. This comprehensive approach not only curtails costs but also mitigates risks by averting redundant efforts, laying a robust foundation for sustainable AI innovation.

How will you propel your AI strategy beyond ideas and concepts to enterprise-grade, production-ready AI and GenAI solutions? 

Let’s talk about it – get in touch for 30-minute conversation with GlobalLogic’s Generative AI experts.

Evolution of Industrial Innovation: How IIoT Will Impact Manufacturing in the Future?


The Manufacturing Industry is entering a new era thanks to the Industrial Internet of Things, or IIoT. This revolutionary technology is dramatically reinventing manufacturing with the integration of digital technology into processes that enhance output quality, reduce costs, and increase productivity. IIoT is a shining example of innovation, pointing to a time when connected ecosystems and smart factories will propel industrial advancement.


Understanding IIoT

What Is IIoT and Why Does It Matter?

IIoT or Industrial Internet of Things, combines the physical and digital domains of industrial manufacturing and information technology to build a network that allows machines and devices to communicate, analyze, and use data to make intelligent decisions. This connectivity is transforming industry operations by increasing process efficiency, predictability, and flexibility. It's not just about optimization.


The Core Components of IIoT Systems

The fundamental elements of the IIoT are its sensors, which gather data, its data processing units, which analyze it, and its user interfaces, which facilitate communication and interaction. Together, these elements provide more operational efficiency and intelligent decision-making by transforming data into actionable insights.




How IIoT Impacting the Manufacturing Industry?


Streamlining the Production Process

Using IIoT, manufacturers can easily gather data from different equipment and machines in the factory, and that helps them identify areas for improvement. Production lines are changing as a result of the high levels of automation and efficiency brought about by IIoT. Real-time monitoring and control, together with waste reduction and production time acceleration, are made possible by smart sensors and gadgets. This change not only improves the output but also enables enterprises to respond quickly to market requirements and challenges.


Predictive Maintenance

IIoT-based predictive maintenance helps the manufacturing industry monitor equipment performance, anticipate potential breakdowns, and schedule maintenance and repairs, reducing time spent on reactive maintenance. This method represents a major improvement over conventional, reactive maintenance techniques since it decreases downtime, increases equipment life, and lowers maintenance expenses.


Enhancing Safety and Quality Control

IIoT raises the bar for quality assurance and safety. Together, sensors and analytics track operational parameters and the environment to make sure manufacturing operations stay within safe bounds and that the quality of the final product doesn't change. By proactively monitoring, accidents and faults are avoided, protecting both workers and customers.


Key Technologies Behind IIoT


The Role of Big Data and Analytics

The IIoT is not possible without big data and analytics, which allow for the analysis of enormous volumes of data produced by sensors and devices. By identifying patterns and insights, this research may help make better decisions, optimize workflows, and forecast trends, all of which improve operational effectiveness and strategic planning.


Connectivity Solutions: The Backbone of IIoT

In IIoT, connectivity is pivotal to tying systems and devices together throughout the manufacturing floor and beyond. The latest technologies that facilitate real-time data exchange include Wi-Fi, Bluetooth, 5G etc. These advanced technologies guarantee smooth connectivity. The synchronization of activities and the application of automation and advanced analytics depend on this interconnection.


AI and Machine Learning: The Brains Behind the Operation

IIoT systems are becoming intelligent entities with the ability to make decisions, forecast results, and learn from processes; thanks to artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning. Automating complex decision-making processes is made possible by these technologies, which increases productivity and sparks creativity. Artificial intelligence (AI) can foresee equipment breakdowns, optimize production schedules, and customize maintenance schedules by studying data patterns.


Challenges in Implementing IIoT


Integration Complexities

There are several obstacles to overcome when integrating IIoT into current production systems, from organizational reluctance to compatibility problems on a technological level. Manufacturers need to devise a strategic approach that encompasses gradual deployment, ongoing review and stakeholder participation in order to effectively manage these challenges.


Cybersecurity: Protecting the Digital Frontier

New cybersecurity threats are introduced by the interconnectedness of IIoT. Ensuring the integrity of industrial processes and safeguarding confidential information are critical. To protect themselves from cyberattacks, manufacturers need to put strong security measures in place, such as encryption, access limits, and frequent security assessments.


Overcoming the Skills Gap

A workforce proficient in both digital technology and conventional manufacturing is necessary given the trend towards IIoT. It is imperative to close this skills gap in order to implement IIoT successfully. Manufacturers can overcome this obstacle by implementing focused training plans, forming alliances with academic institutions, and encouraging an environment that values lifelong learning.


IIoT in Action: Case Studies


Case Study 1: Predictive Maintenance in Brazil's Manufacturing Sector



A leading manufacturing firm in Brazil, specializing in automotive parts, faced challenges with equipment downtime and maintenance costs. Traditional maintenance strategies were reactive or scheduled at fixed intervals, leading to unnecessary maintenance or unexpected equipment failures.


The company embarked on an IIoT project to shift towards predictive maintenance. IoT sensors were installed on critical machinery to monitor various parameters such as temperature, vibration, and noise levels in real-time. This data was transmitted to a cloud-based analytics platform where machine learning algorithms analyzed the data to predict potential failures.


  • Integrating IoT sensors with legacy equipment.
  • Ensuring data accuracy and reliability.
  • Developing predictive models specific to their machinery and failure modes.


  • Reduced unplanned downtime by 40%, as maintenance could be scheduled before failures occurred.
  • Maintenance costs decreased by 25% due to eliminating unnecessary scheduled maintenance.
  • Extended equipment lifespan and improved overall equipment effectiveness (OEE).

Case Study 2: Production Optimization in Germany's Automotive Industry



A German automotive manufacturer aimed to enhance its production efficiency and product quality. The traditional quality control process was reactive, with defects often identified only after production, leading to waste and rework.


The company implemented an IIoT system to collect data from sensors placed throughout the production line. This system provided a real-time view of the manufacturing process, enabling immediate adjustments to maintain quality standards. Additionally, the company developed digital twins for key components, allowing for virtual testing and optimization before physical production.


  • Achieving seamless integration of IoT data across different stages of production.
  • Ensuring data security and privacy.
  • Training staff to interpret IoT data and make informed decisions.


  • Product defects were reduced by 30%, significantly improving product quality.
  • Production efficiency increased by 20% through real-time adjustments and optimization.
  • Reduced costs associated with waste and rework.

How Will IIoT Affect Manufacturing in the Future?


Current Shifts and Forecasts

Innovations and constant improvement will characterize IIoT-driven production in the future. The adoption of 5G for improved connection, the creation of digital twins for sophisticated testing and simulation, and the use of AI and machine learning for more complex analytics are examples of emerging trends. These developments should improve manufacturing's flexibility, efficiency, and customizability even more.


Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning's Next Wave

It is expected that machine learning (ML) and artificial intelligence (AI) will have a significant impact on the IIoT in the future. These technologies will propel improvements in industrial processes, increasing their autonomy, intelligence, and predictability. Manufacturers will be able to take full advantage of the IIoT with the aid of these technologies, from autonomously optimizing production processes that alter without human intervention to real-time supply chain optimization.


Formulating a Sustainable IIoT Plan


Important Steps for a Successful Launch

An effective IIoT strategy should consider several important factors, such as clearly defining objectives, selecting appropriate technology, and ensuring a seamless interface with existing systems. Manufacturers must put cybersecurity, employee training, and stakeholder engagement first to enable the successful deployment of IIoT.


Measuring the Impact: ROI of IIoT Applications

Evaluating IIoT project outcomes is critical to justifying investments and guiding future efforts. Manufacturers should establish specific criteria, such as higher output, reduced downtime, and better product quality, to calculate return on investment. If manufacturers regularly monitor and evaluate these KPIs, they may maximize their IIoT strategy and achieve long-term benefits.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)


  • How does IIoT differ from traditional IoT?

While standard IoT covers a wider spectrum of consumer and corporate applications, IIoT concentrates on industrial applications, highlighting efficiency, dependability, and connectivity in production environments.

  • What immediate benefits does IIoT offer to manufacturers?

Immediate advantages include improved safety and quality control, decreased downtime due to predictive maintenance, and increased operational efficiency.

  • Can SMEs leverage IIoT? 

Yes, SMEs can gain from IIoT by beginning with scalable solutions made to match their unique requirements, which will increase their productivity and competitiveness.

  • How does IIoT contribute to sustainable manufacturing?

IIoT improves sustainability by using resources more efficiently, cutting waste, and using less energy during production thanks to more intelligent manufacturing techniques.

  • What are the best security practices for IIoT systems?

Strong encryption implementation, frequent security audits, access controls, and keeping up with the most recent cybersecurity threats and defenses are examples of best practices.

  • Starting with IIoT: Where do beginners begin? 

Before using IIoT technologies widely, novices should first conduct a thorough assessment of their needs and goals. This should be followed by pilot projects where users may test and learn from the technologies.


Manufacturers have a revolutionary opportunity to reimagine their operations and adopt an efficient, innovative, and sustainable future when they utilize IIoT. By understanding the potential, overcoming the challenges, and leveraging the technology driving IIoT, producers can achieve previously unobtainable levels of productivity and competitiveness. Going forward, it will not only be possible but also imperative for those who want to be in positions of leadership in the industrial landscape of the future to integrate IIoT into manufacturing processes.

At a recent Hitachi Energy conference, I saw a very interesting presentation by Hitachi partner nVidia—the fabless semiconductor company whose GPUs are key drivers of the GenAI revolution. The speaker described nVidia not as a GPU company but rather as a “simulation” company. He described a spectrum of simulation technologies NVidia supports ranging from “physics-based” to “data-based.”

As a person who was educated as a physicist, several light bulbs clicked on for me in this description. What the speaker meant, of course, was that simulations or video games can either be based on ‘algorithms’—that is, a set of physical or un-physical laws (for fantasy worlds, for example)—or they can use extrapolations based on data.

When we as developers write code, we establish a set of ‘laws’ or rules for a computer to follow. Learned behavior, on the other hand, abstracts a set of patterns or probabilities from the data encountered. The latter is the nature of large language models—they are not programmed; rather they are trained based on a selection of natural language text, photographs, music, or other sources of information. 

The models essentially ‘draw their own conclusions’ in a learning process. (Or, more strictly speaking, the models are the artifacts embodying the learning that took place when an algorithm processed the training data.)

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Again, this stuck with me very forcefully as an analogy of the human learning process and of the way physics and science work. 

There is a famous anecdote about the physicist Galileo, who was born in the 16th Century, observing the swaying of a chandelier during a church service in the town of Pisa Italy (of leaning tower fame). There was a breeze that occasionally set the chandeliers in motion with larger or smaller oscillations. 

Galileo observed that regardless of how high the chandelier was blown by the wind, once it started to fall, a given chandelier always took the same amount of time to complete an oscillation. In other words, the time the chandelier took to swing back and forth depended only on the length of the chain holding it, not on the height when it was released.

This is quite an extraordinary observation, and the fact that this phenomenon apparently was not noticed (or at least recorded and acted on) for the first 300,000 years or so of human history indicates the degree of insight and curiosity Galileo had. 

Note that Galileo did not have a watch he could use to record the time—they had not been invented yet, and could not have been until this ‘pendulum effect’ had been discovered. Galileo timed those initial oscillations using his pulse—though he later refined his observations using, I presume, the water clocks or sand glasses that were known in his time.

Why is this interesting? Because Galileo, like other discoverers, used observations or ‘data’ to infer patterns. From the data, he was able to make a prediction—namely, that the period of a pendulum depends only on the length of the pendulum, and not on its height of oscillation, or (as was later found) its weight.

Why is this important, and how does it relate to GenAI? There are two broad branches of Physics, called “experimental” and “theoretical”. The goal of experimental physics is to make observations and determine what happens. The goal of theoretical physics is to explain why something happens—specifically, to discover the underlying principles that manifest themselves in observations, or that predict what will be observed.

What is interesting to me in the context of GenAI is that there is a middle ground between these two areas of physics that is sometimes called phenomenology. The term phenomenology is used in different contexts, but back when I was a graduate student in high energy particle physics (theoretical physics, by the way) the word ‘phenomenology’ was used to describe predictions that we did not yet have the theory to explain. 

In other words, we knew that something happened or would happen, but we didn’t yet have a satisfactory explanation for “why.”

Galileo, in his pendulum observations in the church and subsequently in his ‘lab’, was doing what today we would call experimental physics. That is, he was making observations about what happened, and describing what he saw. 

In my limited historical research, I didn’t find a record that he did so, but we can imagine that Galileo could have taken his observations one step further and made quantitative predictions about the behavior of pendulums. That is, based on his experimental results, he could have discovered that for small oscillations, the period of a pendulum was proportional to the square root of the pendulum's length. 

However, even if he had produced such a quantitatively accurate predictive model, history does not record that Galileo ever really understood WHY the pendulum rule he discovered was true. A satisfying qualitative explanation had to wait for roughly 100 years for Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens’ work on harmonic motion in 1673. A full quantitative explanation required Sir Isaac Newton to first invent calculus and lay out his three laws of motion. (For the theoretical basis of simple harmonic motion, such as a pendulum, see here for example.)

So how does this history relate to GenAI? 

We can readily imagine our current-generation GenAI models acting like Galileo—observing what happens, identifying patterns, and making extrapolations and predictions based on those patterns. We can even imagine them doing the curve fitting and other math required to turn those fresh observations into mathematical models. 

It’s more difficult to imagine a current-generation GenAI model acting like a Huygens or a Newton and inferring from first principles WHY something happens unless the model already contains that information and simply retrieves it. 

I don’t believe reasoning from first principles is impossible for GenAI, and people are working hard on enabling it. Approaches such as “chain of thought” and “train of thought” come close. But ‘theory’ is not the strong suit of current-generation (2024) GenAI technology. Current LLMs are “phenomenologists”, not “theorists”, which is in no way intended to underrate their value.

Why do we care about the theory? If we can predict “what” will happen, do we really care “why”?

This is a good question, and it rapidly gets metaphysical, hinging on the nature of consciousness. Moreover, what constitutes a “satisfying explanation” and “first principles” gets really philosophical fast. But in a practical sense, we can see that both theory and phenomenology have value, each in a different context.

Phenomenology has ‘rough and ready’ practical value. Astronomers and, earlier, astrologers could predict the phase of the moon and the progression of the seasons long before they understood that the Earth orbits the Sun, and the Moon orbits the Earth. These purely phenomenologically-based predictions had a profound impact on human history, including the invention of agriculture which, in turn, led to the creation of cities and civilization. 

But it is the nature of the human mind to try to discern the reasons behind what it observes. People developed theories—initially what we’d now term religious or mythological—to explain why the Sun and Moon behave as they do. They did this many centuries before the discovery of calculus and the law of gravity by Newton; the increasingly refined observations made by Kepler and, earlier, Galileo; and Copernicus’ hypothesis that the earth obits the Sun. It is in the nature of humans to keep asking “why” until a satisfying ‘theory’ is presented to explain the observations.

Watch: Getting GenAI Ready with GlobalLogic

Besides being intellectually satisfying to us humans, the value of theory is that, by reducing observed behavior to an outcome of basic principles, it lets us solve problems and see connections that phenomenology alone does not. 

For example, the theory of simple harmonic motion outlined in the Feynman lecture above not only explains the motion of pendulums (Galileo’s observations), but also the vibration of plucked strings on musical instruments and the movement of weights on springs. When we generalize this slightly, driven harmonic motion (a pendulum pushed by the wind or by the escapement mechanism of a clock) also leads to insights in the area of “resonance”. 

This, in turn, helps us understand diverse phenomena such as the structure of Saturn's rings and the behavior of physical structures like bridges under the influence of an external force, such as the wind. 

By uniting our understanding of multiple observations, a theory helps us discover the underlying connection between phenomena that initially appeared distinct. This process of forming a theory is not confined to physics but is something all of us do in everyday life. We have a theory of the motivations behind our spouse’s or friend’s behavior; as infants, we form the theory that an object continues to exist even when we don’t see it; as students or engineers we form a theory of what it takes to get a good grade or promotion. 

We also form ‘theories’ every day in the software space, when we develop an “architecture” or algorithm that produces a (hopefully) simple system that solves not just one but multiple problems. 

We also abstract out commonalities between diverse systems—for example, logging, observability, and security—and structure them as “cross-cutting concerns” rather than re-inventing them afresh for every system. In general, people consistently synthesize observations and try to discern the underlying cause behind them. It’s our nature.

The human brain functions using a combination of observation, phenomenologically-based prediction, and abstraction or “theory” to understand what it observes and expects. Currently (in 2024), GenAI is strongest in the first two aspects—observation and phenomenologically-based prediction. 

To deliver on the ‘holy’ (or ‘unholy’) grail of artificial general intelligence, AI-based systems need to not only predict but also be able to form abstractions and ‘theories’ based on their observations and predictions. They will need to combine a ‘Galileo brain’ with a ‘Sir Isaac Newton’ brain. 

I expect that we will indeed see such a ‘meeting of minds’ in GenAI, even though we’re not fully there today. We have ourselves as examples that these two modes of thought can co-exist in a single entity. We also know first-hand the power of intelligence that not only predicts “what,” but also understands “why.”

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Limiting “Work in Process” (WIP) items is one of the key ideas behind Kanban and Lean approaches to developing software. Having too many WIPs might make it look like everyone is sufficiently busy, but there’s really no functional outcome for the end user.

In my experience, it is much more important to work towards completing the user story — in other words, to stop starting and to start finishing.

It’s natural to assume that this “stop starting, start finishing” philosophy is limited to Lean and Kanban methodologies. After all, Scrum works so well that it doesn’t run into WIP issues, right? Wrong! Let’s look at a typical Scrum standup:

In this example scenario, the project has around 9-10 team members. At the beginning of the sprint, the team creates subtasks for each user story together. The idea behind this method is that any team member should be able to pick up any subtask at any point in time — thereby limiting roadblocks or delays.

During the Scrum standup, each team member shares what he/she did yesterday, what he/she will be doing today, and if there are any impediments. Although this approach provides a decent insight into individual tasks, it fails to provide a broader progress indicator on how close the team is to completing the individual user stories and thereby the sprint. Instead, a better idea is to let the team assess how everyone can collaborate and help each other to move the user stories to the DONE column.

Now you’re probably thinking, “That’s an interesting theory, but is it really necessary? After all, the end user will only see the finished features after the sprint is over.” While technically this is true, let’s look a little deeper at the internal Scrum mechanics.

First of all, since testers receive user stories at the very end of a sprint, they are typically the ones who are under the time crunch to finish the user story on-time and with production-ready quality. However, if the entire team focuses on finishing the user story early, the testers may have more time to test it.

The “stop starting, start finishing” principle encourages better teamwork among team members. For example, in a standard Scrum team, I may choose not to help my colleague because I want to focus on finishing my own task. But if we are all focused on the greater goal of finishing the user story, then it’s in my best interest to help my colleague with his/her tasks. In fact, the primary measure of progress in a Scrum project (as per the Scrum burndown/burnup chart) is how much work remains in a sprint or how much work has been completed — NOT how much work has been started.

So in reality, the Lean approach of “stop starting, start finishing” also aligns very well with Scrum methodology. Specifically, it’s important to look at the user story as a whole during a Scrum standup and to identify how the entire team can work together to close the user story as early as possible.

In my own experience, the best way to do this is to discuss outstanding tasks during the standup and to place WIP limits with each workflow, like in a Kanban project. This approach will result in better throughput, a more thoroughly tested user story and — most importantly — a happier end user.

Shrikant Vashishtha is the Director of Engineering for GlobalLogic’s CTO department. He has over 15 years of experience in the IT industry and is currently based in Noida, India.

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Transforming Telco: 5 GenAI Trends Reshaping Experiences & Driving New Revenue

In the fast-paced realm of telecommunications, where constantly connected customers demand increasingly personalized and seamless experiences, innovation is a necessity. Enter GenAI – the catalyst for a profound shift in how telcos interact with their customers and manage their networks. From the bustling discussions at industry events to the boardrooms of leading companies, the buzz surrounding GenAI use cases is palpable.

Join us in exploring the transformative potential of GenAI within the telecommunications landscape. From redefining customer experiences to revolutionizing network operations, GenAI offers a myriad of opportunities for telcos to thrive in an increasingly competitive market.

1. Reimaging Customer Experiences in Telco

We’ve been having many interesting and productive conversations with clients and at the recent Mobile World Congress about GenAI use cases in telecommunications. One area of focus that’s getting a lot of attention and mindshare is GenAI’s impact on customer experience.

As telcos attempt to reimagine customers' experiences across the telecom journey, it’s become clear that intelligent GenAI applications add a lot of value. Imagine you’re a consumer wanting to buy a new service – what’s that experience like today, and how can we make that seamless and engaging? Well, we can start with intelligent chatbots. 

Chatbots aren’t new; they’ve been around for a while now. But they haven’t lent well to seamless customer experiences. In fact, many found them quite frustrating until machine learning and GenAI made them more intuitive and accurate. All the way from discovery and search through order processing to completion, these technologies are making customer interactions with chatbots seamless and frictionless.

2. Autonomous Networks Powered by 5G Advanced & 6G

As 5G has increasingly been deployed, networks have gained momentum. Now, we see an increasing development of self-organizing networks. For telecommunications in particular, GenAI plays a pivotal role in these autonomous networks. 

The combination of machine learning and AI can help us predict network outages and detect anomalies in the network. We can also leverage AI to help us with cell network interference patterns, providing seamless coverage and reducing operational costs. 

3. Activating & Monetizing the Full Spectrum of Telco Data

GenAI adds a lot of value to service operations, too. For example, addressing Wi-Fi network glitches and outages presents significant challenges. Imagine being at home, confronting a network outage, and urgently seeking assistance by contacting a customer service call center or engaging with a chatbot. The frustration often lies in the prolonged wait for a customer agent to assist. 

Enter AI—a transformative force in this scenario. Envision a future where customer agents comprehensively understand each customer’s data, history, and concerns. With their vast data reservoirs, telcos hold immense potential for leveraging AI to enhance customer service. With AI's capabilities, this wealth of data translates into actionable insights. It enables customer agents to navigate service operations efficiently, guiding customers through technical challenges precisely and efficiently.

This vision represents the future of customer service—a harmonious integration of AI and data, where every interaction leads to greater satisfaction. The key lies not only in troubleshooting but also in the synergy of technology and empathy, paving the way for a more connected and fulfilling tomorrow.

4. Bridging Technical Gaps in the Telco Ecosystem

As we attempt to connect the dots, making sense of and monetizing our data wherever possible, we’ll see more use cases for using GenAI for new revenue-generating services. There are many technical gaps between where we believe these innovations can take us and what we need to wade through to get there. 

For instance, telcos can access location information and other data to indicate when consumers are traveling or planning a trip. They can use that to power data roaming sales or even offer travel insurance. How will they connect those dots and integrate with ad tech or insurance platforms for offerings like these? 

Here’s another example: what are the technical gaps between education platforms and telcos? Consider that a North American telco might have 100 million customers. There's a huge potential upside if you start offering new revenue-generating services in the education sector, but that requires both strategic partnership and technological integration. 

There are countless opportunities for new revenue-generating services in this market with machine learning and GenAI helping us uncover relevant data. Those revenue streams can be realized as we develop new ways to bridge the technology gaps.

5. Evolving from Prototypes to Proof of Value & MVPs

In the context of the AI loop, we are still probably in the early phases of this journey. There's a lot of hype, and the last year was all about working on prototypes, experimenting, failing fast, and discovering what could be relevant and contextual

This year, we will see increasing MVPs, real products, and proof of value. As we mature in this journey, as with any other technological disruption we’ve seen before (whether it was the mobile revolution or the desktop revolution before that), there will be an inflection point. It may be a few years down the line, but it’s coming. Then we will see more AI-first products being developed.

From a telecommunications perspective, this will mean a shift from digital telco journeys to fully native AI telco journeys.

GlobalLogic is already putting two accelerators and our collaborative model for co-creating innovative use cases to work for our customers. With our GenAI "platform of platforms" integrating numerous publicly available LLMs we're crafting GenAI solutions that precisely align with our customers' objectives and requirements.

Want to learn more? Explore our GenAI Strategy & Solutions and get in touch with GlobalLogic’s GenAI experts today.

Special thanks to Allyson Klein at TechArena for the conversation that inspired this article. You can listen to ‘The Future of AI and the Network with GlobalLogic SVP Sameer Tikoo’ with Allyson here.

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