MockK Framework for Unit Testing in Kotlin (Android Mobility Development)
Unit testing is core to any software development process. In this blog, we demonstrate how MockK is an advantageous framework for unit testing with Kotlin, the preferred programming language for Android mobility development.
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Published on: March 9, 2020
Science Fiction Moments in Life and Technology
We as humans have a tendency to adjust rapidly to our environment and to begin to consider it “normal” in a very short time. This has probably been key to the survival of our species: we can’t afford, biologically, to be constantly triggered by recurring events. Instead, we set a new baseline and then are “aroused” only by changes to that baseline.
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Published on: February 1, 2020
Innovators and Laggards: The Technology Landscape of 2019
In the 1960s, sociologist Everett Rogers produced a roadmap showing how innovations are adopted and, eventually, become obsolete. Later, author Geoffrey Moore wrote a book called “Crossing the Chasm” that detailed how companies and technologies succeed or fail to progress from “early adopter” to “early majority” status. Moore’s work further popularized Roger’s categories, and words like “innovator” and “early adopter” have become a firm fixture of the Silicon Valley and world-wide technology vocabulary.
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Published on: November 27, 2019