Enterprise-Grade GenAI Solutions

Harness the transformative power of Generative AI to unlock unprecedented efficiencies, build hyper-personalized experiences, and foster creativity, driving your intelligent enterprise into a future of possibility.

AI and Generative AI (GenAI) have emerged as the cornerstones of innovation across industries, from optimizing operations to creating new revenue streams and transforming customer experiences. But with great potential comes great challenges. Many enterprises are struggling to make sense of the hype and make the shift from pilots to scalable deployments. 

They’re grappling with challenges such as ensuring data security and privacy, overcoming integration and scalability obstacles within complex IT ecosystems, and addressing ethical concerns and biases often inherent in using GenAI technologies.

That’s where GlobalLogic steps in.

With over a decade of AI expertise and more than three years of dedicated focus on GenAI, GlobalLogic is at the forefront of this transformative wave. Our mission? To empower enterprises to adapt and thrive in this AI-driven era. 

Our unique blend of strategy, data, and engineering prowess sets us apart. We’ve honed our skills over years of delivering impactful AI solutions, culminating in what we believe is a first-of-its-kind platform for unifying and industrializing enterprise-grade AI/GenAI solutions.

GlobalLogic offers a first-of-its-kind Platform-of-Platforms architecture to support enterprise-grade GenAI. It addresses the critical challenges every enterprise must overcome when operationalizing AI and GenAI at scale.

Our AI/GenAI platform-of-platforms architecture is designed to address the needs of every intelligent enterprise. We’ve created a foundation layer to help each enterprise deploy and maintain responsible and reliable AI models.

Our platform also seamlessly integrates with leading hyperscaler platforms and on-premise solutions, offering the flexibility to adapt to evolving needs and emerging technologies.

At GlobalLogic, we’re not just riding the AI wave — we’re shaping its course. Join us in unlocking the full potential of AI for your enterprise. Together, let’s redefine what’s possible in the age of GenAI.

Responsible, Reliable & Reusable GenAI Solutions

Generative AI is revolutionizing how we do business and develop products across the spectrum of industries, from healthcare and life sciences to banking and financial services, retail, energy and industrial, and beyond. 

​​Working with generative AI requires creativity, an innovative mindset, and deep technical skills. As a Hitachi company, we put the power of three brands to work for you – digital engineering services with GlobalLogic, experience and strategic design with Method, and digital infrastructure and data management with Hitachi – to deliver world-class products using emerging technologies.

There are many different ways GenAI can transform your business for the better, including using generative models as embedded ISV APIs (ChatGPT via O365) and embedding model APIs into existing apps and workflows. What could a custom voice assistant, personalized recommendation engine, or DevOps automation do for your business?

What does it take to harness the potential of GenAI at scale?

Tap Into the Business Advantages of Generative AI Solutions

Speed and Efficiency

Analyze large datasets efficiently to generate insights and predictions that reduce time-to-market.


Reimagine what’s possible. Uncover novel solutions and ideas to fuel innovation and new business opportunities.


Craft personalized solutions based on individual customer preferences and behavior.

Cost Savings

Automate labor-intensive tasks, reduce errors, and free up human talent and creativity for higher-value pursuits.

Faster Time to Market

Quickly generate prototypes for faster iteration, testing, and speed across the product development lifecycle.

Accuracy and Consistency

Automate quality control to identify errors in data or production processes and reduce human bias in decision-making.

Data-Driven Decision-Making

Make better-informed decisions with insights and recommendations generated from large data sets.

Competitive Advantage

Stay ahead of the competition by quickly adapting to changing market conditions and consumer preferences.

Why Organizations Partner with GlobalLogic for GenAI

20+ Years

Digital product engineering experience with 10+ years in classic AI/ML


AI/ML projects completed or in progress across industries


GenAI-dedicated designers and engineers


GlobalLogic’s first LLM project launched

GlobalLogic excels in preparing both structured and unstructured data for AI and GenAI applications. We seamlessly blend automated model evaluation with human oversight, ensuring top-notch accuracy. Our suite of tools supports some of the world’s largest language models (LLMs), driving efficiency and quality in model evaluation and validation. Partner with us for unparalleled expertise in unleashing the full potential of AI.


Applying AI/ML and associated technologies (such as NLP, deep learning, robotic process automation, and text analysis) in your organization requires a well-designed business case. We help clients explore the possibilities and business cases for using generative AI in customer service automation, product design, marketing automation, and personalization, content generation, VR retail experiences, demand planning and inventory forecasting, price optimization, and more.

Not at all. Companies in a broad range of industries are successfully using generative AI to improve customer satisfaction and experience, boost workforce productivity, reduce operational costs, accelerate product and service development, and go to market faster with superior products.

The risks of generative AI vary and must be assessed before any new implementations. At a broad level, companies should be aware of regulatory risks, particularly around user data collection and privacy, and bring legal, risk, and compliance teams into the process early. Generative AI can also carry reputational risks, making human oversight and feedback an essential part of the process. Competency risks around technical debt, talent management, and internal resistance can also complicate matters. GlobalLogic helps businesses develop the technical infrastructure, talent and workflows, and data inputs to ensure a successful generative AI implementation.

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