Python is a veteran among technologies. The first version was released as early as 1990!
Nowadays, Python Developer remains quite a popular IT specialization.
There are several reasons for that:
- A multipurpose language that allows you to write easily readable code.
- Conciseness. Programs are much shorter than analogs written in any other language.
- Multiplatformity. Software runs on various operating systems without any special adjustments.
- A standard library shipped with Python contains useful ready-made tools.
Where can full-stack Python developers find their fields of interest? Anywhere! These can be operating system projects, “web” (Python Front End), databases, even creating a graphical interface and games (Unity Python)! Not to mention that it can be used for developing AQA self-tests.
Do you want to find more info about tech and opportunities? Check out these pages: Java technology, C/C++ technology, QA technology, JavaScript technology, .NET technology