Технологічні рішення
Технологічні рішенняСАНТА-КЛАРА, Каліфорнія — 10 січня 2025 року — Компанія GlobalLogic Inc., що є частиною...
GlobalLogic оголосила про партнерство з Nokia для прискорення впровадження передових 5G...
GlobalLogic надає унікальний досвід і експертизу на перетині даних, дизайну та інжинірингу.
Зв'яжіться з намиWhy did you decide to study C?
Why did you decide to apply for C++ GL BaseCamp?
How did you understand that you are ready for the interview, as well as for the combination of project tasks and training?
What general technical knowledge is needed to start in IT?
Well, first of all, you need to know how to use a computer and quickly Google the necessary information. I also believe that it is important to know how a computer and basic tools work at a basic level. For example, what is a processor and memory, learn to debug your programs, know the standard set of commands in the command line and understand the simplest algorithms and data structures.
Do you have a personal teaching method?
For me, it’s learning the same material from multiple sources. For example:
1) any free course you find on the Internet,
2) books (here you can read books directly from C and C++ developers or find something more recent)
3) and finally consolidate all this by watching relevant videos on YouTube.
What else is needed to start a career besides technical knowledge?
One of the most important soft skills that need to be improved is communication. It is important to be able to interact in a team, ask questions, help, listen to others. Also important skills are responsibility, adaptation in a new circle, organization and knowledge of languages.
What would you advise those who are planning to start a career in IT?
First of all, I would recommend trying different areas of IT if you can’t decide. If the process of writing code brings you pleasure, then congratulations, the first stage of “trying and finding yourself” has been passed. The next important step is to study and practice in a disciplined manner. The path will not be easy, but in any case, with the right approach, you will definitely land on your dream project!
If you want to develop in development or testing, fill out the pre-registration form for GL BaseCamp — free courses for starting a career in IT. We will inform you immediately when recruitment will begin in the direction you have chosen.