Технологічні рішення
Технологічні рішенняСАНТА-КЛАРА, Каліфорнія — 10 січня 2025 року — Компанія GlobalLogic Inc., що є частиною...
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Details | About the report | About the speaker | Materials from previous webinars
We invite everyone who works with databases or plans to do so to a webinar about one of the most difficult topics in SQL — deadlocks. If you want to learn what deadlocks are, why they occur, and how to effectively eliminate them, this event is for you.
You will learn:
Date: November 20 (Wednesday) Time: 18:00–19:30 Format: online in Zoom Language: Ukrainian Participation FREE
To participate in the event, you must complete pre-registration*.
After registering, expect an email regarding your participation and technical details for connecting to the webinar the day before the event. *All registered participants will have access to the webinar materials and recording.
Deadlocks in SQL are not scary if you know how to solve them. Join the webinar and learn how to troubleshoot deadlocks effectively with our expert Serhiy Stets!
Who is this webinar for?
Serhiy Stets is a Lead Software Engineer at GlobalLogic, with over 11 years of experience in IT. Specializes in Java, Spring, AWS, SQL/NoSQL. Certified Java, AWS, MongoDB specialist, mentor and Trusted Interviewer.
This webinar is suitable for engineers of any level and will help you prepare for future challenges in working with databases.
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Materials Java Community Webinar #1: “Pattern Matching in Java 14”
Materials Java Community Webinar #2: “Spring Testing, Fight for the Context”
Materials Java Community Webinar #3: “Patterns of Distributed Application Design”
Materials Java Community Webinar #4: “How I Conduct an Interview”
Materials Java Community Webinar #5: ”How I Configure Infrastructure of My Project”
Матеріали Java Community Webinar #6: “Project Loom or How to Be Happy With Blocking Code”
Materials Java Community Webinar #8: “High-Performance Systems Design”
Materials Java Community Webinar #9: “Raspberry Pi Platform for Java Programmers”
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Java Community Webinar #12: “Java Versions and Features: Since JDK 8 to 16”
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Materials Java Community Webinar #16 “Zaloni’s Architecture for Data-Driven Design”
Materials Java Community Webinar #17 “SpringJDBC vs JDBC. Is Spring a Hero?”
Materials Java Community Webinar #18 “How to Improve Web Application Performance?”