CX Value Chain Assessment

Assesses your omnichannel customer experience to identify gaps & deliver a more predictive, proactive, personal & profitable experience

CX Value Chain Assessment Framework

GlobalLogic’s CX Value Chain Assessment is designed to help clients take a customer-centric and pragmatic approach to understanding their organization’s ability to effectively sense (predict) and respond (proactive, personalized) to their omni-customers with branded goods, services, and product experiences. It can also help our clients master the below three key Omni-CX competencies that, in our experience, are critical for organizations to separate themselves from the competition.



Brand purpose & strategy


Market & customers


Business objectives & key programs


Customer targeting & segmentation


Desired experiential & commercial outcomes

Omnichannel Journey Experience


Access & registration


Channels & touchpoints


Contact routing


Frontline experience (agent & supervisor)

Optimize & Iterate


Overall data & analytics, Agile, innovation, and iterative service delivery capabilities


Operating model & practices to continuously optimize, ideate & co-create experiences with customers

How It Works

Delivering a great customer experience starts with your company's CX value chain. Uncover what's holding you back and start engaging with you customers on their terms.

Week 1: Access the “Current State”

  • Capture desired strategy & CX vision
  • Assess operating model performance across People, Processes & Technology Domains

Week 2: Co-Envision the “Desired State”

  • Define & validate the ideal end-state
  • Based on business strategies & objectives, CX best practices, digital expertise & relevant game-changing innovations

Week 3: Analyze GPAs & Synthesize Findings

  • Identify current gaps, validate understanding & underlying causes
  • Deliver recommendations & maps for top 3 customer journeys to be addressed

Why GlobalLogic

GlobalLogic leverages its cross-discipline expertise to baseline your ‘as is’ position from a business, CX, and technical perspective, then produces a pragmatic step-by-step digital transformation roadmap, Agile operating model practices, tactical and strategic recommendations that enables you to effectively service your omni-customers.

Although we adapt and customize our consulting assessments per client, GlobalLogic’s business consulting team will usually consist of an experienced business consultant who has 20+ years of experience in customer service, contact center, CX industry; a seasoned project manager; and a well-respected and certified AWS Connect expert. The combination of resources enables GlobalLogic to deliver recommendations to you that are not only desirable but feasible and viable.


CX value (Customer Experience value) helps businesses to recognize a customer’s value at the point of customer contact. It also determines how a business can maximize the CX value through personalized customer experiences to improve a customer’s perception of the business.

CX (Customer Experience) results from customer interactions with a brand’s products and services. Businesses must have a good CX if they want to attract and retain customers as long-term loyalists.

CX products are products that make an impression on the customers when they are experiencing a product. Examples include retail and clothing products.

CX in business is an essential way to increase revenue by building a positive customer experience and loyalty toward the brand and its products.

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