Technology Capabilities
Technology CapabilitiesWith the rapid advancements in digital technologies, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has taken the center stage to propel the digital businesses of today. Using predictive analytics to derive business insights, AI is helping numerous organizations make informed decisions to increase business efficiency and continuity.
GlobalLogic, a leader in digital engineering is empowering its customers to become agile, innovative, and transforming their business with AI-powered solutions. Mr. Sanjeev Azad, Vice President – Technology, GlobalLogic in a discussion with CXOToday shares more insights on the same.
How will AI Evolution bring Business Revolution across industries?
Response: AI has evolved rapidly in the last few years, and many industries have not just transformed their businesses through the potential of AI, but also explored new business opportunities. The evolution of AI technology has fundamentally transformed how the data is collected, processed, and applied to businesses for achieving meaningful automation, gaining efficiencies, and making informed decisions.
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