From Biochemistry to Full-Stack Development: Alin Hrenean's Career Journey at GlobalLogic

Let’s meet Alin Hrenean, a former Medical Biochemist turned into a Front-End Developer at GlobalLogic Romania. Discover his career progression, current project in property development, tech stack, team dynamics, hobbies, and future career aspirations.

Get a glimpse of #BehindTheCode and learn more about his journey from medicine to technology and his experiences at GlobalLogic.


Could you please tell us a bit about yourself?

I started my career in the field of medicine as a medical biochemist, focusing on blood analysis. For approximately three years, I performed various biochemical tests and analyses to help diagnose and monitor patients’ health conditions, ensuring accurate results and maintaining high standards of laboratory practice. During this period, I developed a keen eye for detail, while refining my analytical skills.

However, after three years, I felt the need for a new challenge and decided to pursue a post-university course in Information Technology at Babes-Bolyai University. This decision marked a significant turning point in my professional journey. Throughout the course, I was introduced to the world of coding and quickly discovered my passion for it. I found the logical problem-solving aspect of programming both fascinating and fulfilling.

Motivated by my newfound interest, I then made an inspired decision to switch careers and enter the field of Information Technology. I got an internship at a different company, where I gained hands-on experience and practical knowledge in coding and software development. This internship helped me bridge the gap between my medical background and my new career path in IT.

Following this internship, in 2020, I was hired as a Junior Front-End Developer by Fortech, which is now GlobalLogic Romania. In this role, I have been responsible for designing and implementing user interfaces, collaborating with cross-functional teams, and continuously improving my coding skills. My journey from medical biochemistry to front-end development has been both challenging and rewarding, and I am excited about the opportunities that lie ahead in my new career.


What do you do at GlobalLogic? Tell us more about your career journey and your current role.

Over nearly four years with GlobalLogic, I have been involved in multiple commercial projects across diverse industries, including cryptocurrency, real estate, and property development. Each project presented unique challenges and opportunities, allowing me to broaden my technical expertise and industry knowledge.

On my most recent project, I expanded my skill set to include back-end development, which enabled me to transition into a Full-Stack Software Engineer role. This experience allowed me to gain proficiency in both front-end and back-end technologies, enhancing my ability to deliver comprehensive and robust software solutions.

In addition to my project work, I have contributed to the professional development of others within the company. I served as a React.js instructor in several pre-employment training sessions, where I taught prospective participants the fundamentals and advanced concepts of React.js, preparing them for successful careers in software development.

Furthermore, I acted as a mentor to various colleagues, providing guidance and support as they wanted to improve their knowledge for commercial projects. This mentorship role involved offering technical advice, sharing best practices, and helping them navigate the complexities of real-world software development.

Last year I participated as a speaker at the IT Days Conference in Cluj-Napoca, with a technical presentation for Tailwind CSS version 3. I found this experience incredibly rewarding. The audience’s enthusiasm for the new features and enhancements was palpable. The interactive session, complemented by live demonstrations, fostered engagement and sparked a genuine interest in incorporating Tailwind CSS into their projects. I’m grateful for having had the opportunity to contribute to the tech community and eagerly anticipate future speaking engagements.


Alin Hrenean @ IT Days Conference in Cluj-Napoca, 2023

Recently, I was promoted to a Competency Lead position in the field of JavaScript. In this role, I am responsible for overseeing JavaScript development within the company, ensuring that best practices are followed, and driving the continuous improvement of our technical capabilities. This promotion reflects my dedication, expertise, and the contributions I have made to both my projects and my colleagues’ growth.


What can you tell us about the project you are currently working on?

I’m currently working on a project in the property development industry, where I am developing a web application that provides detailed information on maps for businesses interested in property development across the UK and USA. This application is designed to offer comprehensive data, including property listings, zoning regulations, market trends, and infrastructure details, to assist businesses in making informed decisions about potential development sites.

The project that I’m part of is an innovative, end-to-end solution, designed to properly support professionals throughout every stage of their projects. It offers a unified approach, covering everything from networking and market insights to site identification and funding. This comprehensive system aims to streamline development processes, reduce costs, and enhance project profitability. Some of the key components that the web app provides are: 

  •    A user-friendly platform that consolidates ownership, comparables, planning, property, and power data to streamline site viability assessment. It features a site pipeline tool for easier opportunity management and collaboration, along with automated planning alerts tailored to user preferences.
  •   An exclusive online platform providing up-to-date market insights, industry news, and regional reports.

This project not only challenges me to apply my technical expertise but also offers an opportunity to understand the specific needs and requirements of the property development industry. It is exciting to contribute to a tool that can significantly impact businesses’ strategic planning and development efforts in the UK and USA.


What’s the project’s tech stack like?

On the front-end, we are utilizing React.js with TypeScript to create an intuitive and user-friendly interface. Additionally, we maintain some legacy code written in Vue.js, which requires us to ensure compatibility and seamless integration between the new and existing codebases.

On the back-end, we are using Node.js with TypeScript to implement AWS Lambda functions organized into microservices. This microservices architecture allows for scalability and flexibility in managing different parts of the application independently. However, we also maintain a legacy monolith built using Restify, which presents unique challenges in terms of integration and maintenance.


What’s your favorite thing about this project? And what’s the most challenging one?

My favorite aspect of this project is also the most challenging one: the multitude of tech stacks integrated together. Working with a diverse set of technologies, such as React.js with TypeScript on the front-end and Node.js with TypeScript for AWS Lambda functions on the back-end, along with maintaining legacy code in Vue.js and Restify, keeps the work dynamic and intellectually stimulating.

The complexity of integrating these various technologies requires constant learning and problem-solving, which I find really rewarding. This challenge pushes me to deepen my technical skills and adapt quickly to new tools and methodologies. It also allows me to develop a comprehensive understanding of how different technologies can be harmoniously combined to create a robust and scalable application.


How about the team? What’s the vibe in there?

I’m part of an augmented team distributed across Europe, in different companies. I’m the only member from the team who is a GlobalLogic employee. Despite this, the team vibe is relaxed and friendly, fostering a collaborative and supportive work environment. We focus on Agile methodologies, which help us remain flexible and responsive to changing project requirements.

Working within this diverse team setup allows me to bring a unique perspective from GlobalLogic, while also learning from the experiences and approaches of my colleagues from different backgrounds. Our focus on Agile practices ensures that we maintain high efficiency and productivity, delivering iterative improvements and quickly adapting to any challenges that arise. This dynamic and cooperative atmosphere makes the project not only enjoyable, but also highly effective in achieving our goals.


Tell us a little bit about your hobbies, how do you spend your free time?

In my free time, I enjoy a variety of activities that help me relax and recharge. I love hiking, which allows me to explore nature and stay active. Watching movies is another favorite activity, as it lets me enjoy different stories and genres. I also love playing video games, which offer both entertainment and a way to unwind.

Spending time with my friends is important to me as well. Whether we’re hiking together, watching a movie, or playing video games, I value the moments we share and the memories we create. These activities not only provide balance to my professional life, but also contribute to my overall well-being and happiness.


Alin, exploring nature and recharging


What’s next in your career journey?

I’m excited about my recent promotion to Competency Lead role in the field of JavaScript, and I look forward to taking my career in this new direction. This role allows me to contribute to the growth and development of my team, while driving forward the best practices and standards within the company.

At the same time, I am committed to continuously expanding my knowledge in my technical field. Staying updated with the latest advancements and trends in technology is crucial to maintaining expertise and delivering high-quality solutions. I plan to engage in ongoing learning through courses, certifications, and hands-on projects to deepen my understanding of new frameworks, tools, and methodologies. Balancing my leadership responsibilities with my passion for technical growth ensures that I can effectively guide my team and contribute to innovative, cutting-edge projects.


What advice would you give to someone interested in joining GlobalLogic?

You should join GlobalLogic if you want to work in a dynamic and diverse environment and participate in multiple projects across the globe. GlobalLogic offers opportunities for growth and development, allowing you to expand your skills and advance your career. Additionally, the company is committed to providing a healthy work-life balance, ensuring that you can thrive both professionally and personally. Whether you’re looking to deepen your technical expertise or take on leadership roles, GlobalLogic supports your ambitions and fosters a supportive and enriching workplace.

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