Project Management
Which Software Metrics to Choose, and Why?
Sometimes people just look for an available or known set of metrics and then add more as and when they discover anything new. But does it really make sense to try and apply those known metrics to any scenario?
The AI-Powered Project Manager
AI can help eliminate repetitive tasks for project managers. Learn how AI-powered tools can help you manage projects more efficiently..
Complex Digital Transformation Programs
Digital transformation programs, by definition, refer to the programs that transform the way our clients operate, sustain and succeed.
Develop Restful API with Go and Gin
Go is a powerful and easy to learn language that any programmer can adapt without difficulty. It’s as simple as its name, Go or Golang.
Localization Process Automation Tool (LPAT)
See how pre-translation and post-translation tools can help automate the process of localization, saving project managers time and resources.
The Cost of Online-Only Interactions
More of our work and personal interactions occur online. Technology has made it faster and easier to connect — but at what cost?
The Scrum Guide is Dead — Long Live the Scrum Guide!
The latest version of the pivotal Scrum Guide has ushered in some interesting changes, including a significant simplification of language for a wider audience.
Tracking and Resolving Software Regressions
A “regression” is something that used to work that no longer does — and it's a serious problem in many software projects.