Rozwiązania technologiczne
Rozwiązania technologiczneW świecie innowacji każdy pomysł ma znaczenie. Nawet drobne idee mogą prowadzić do rewo...
Czy wiesz, że za pomocą kodu można skomponować symfonię, a sztuczna inteligencja potraf...
SANTA CLARA, Kalifornia, 10.01.2025 – GlobalLogic, spółka należąca do Grupy Hitachi i l...
Hitachi Cyber i GlobalLogic otwierają nowoczesne Centrum Operacji Bezpieczeństwa (SOC) ...
Navigating across cities and towns using online maps has become an irreplaceable part of our lives. Online Maps help in enhanced and seamless point-to-point communication, and improved navigational logistics for fleet management organizations. We support customers to deliver the most advanced geospatial mapping services, that include creation, enhancement and real-time maintenance of maps. We partner with the most prominent and fastest growing Geospatial Map Providers to help customers scale their maps functionality, accelerate their time to market and maintain map accuracy.
In addition to having deep experience with the most-used map APIs, we specialize in working across the breadth of geospatial services.
Rooted in Silicon Valley, GlobalLogic operates design studios and engineering centers in 14 countries across 4 continents, extending our deep expertise in strategy & design, DevOps, big data & analytics, AI/ML, etc. With 12+years experience in Geospatial Mapping services, we partner with global technology companies to design and build next-gen geospatial solutions that serve their business needs.
We offer a no cost 90 min remote session to review your needs and provide best solutions.
1500+ Map Engineers | 12+ Years of experience | Spread across Global locations
OpenStreetMap(OSM) is a free and editable global map created by a large and growing community of mappers. With years of experience in creating Maps using OSM map editor resources, we have built, enhanced & maintained the best mapping data.
Czy wiesz, że za pomocą kodu można skomponować symfonię, a...
Chcesz rozwijać się w kierunku interdyscyplinarności i dołączyć do grona...
GlobalLogic łączy unikalne doświadczenie i wiedzę z zakresu danych, projektowania oraz inżynierii.