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AI GovernanceMLOpsTechnology
Although humans fear being replaced by technology, the truth is that it has been with us for several years, improving efficiency, optimizing processes and reducing errors. In the future, AI could be even more useful, contributing to greater social well-being.

The term Artificial Intelligence (AI) sparks a common science fiction debate that pits humans against machines. Today, with everything circulating on the Internet that was produced by this technology (images, audios and videos, among others), it once again raises both the fear of being replaced and the interest in what these complex systems are capable of.

However , AI is not new. According to researchers, the implementation of this technology has been around since at least the 1980s. Therefore, we have been living with it and exploring its possibilities for a long time.

In fact, these types of intelligence models are at the heart of the digital services we use in our daily lives: smartphones, virtual assistants, search engines, cars, recommendation systems, chatbots, translators, video game consoles, etc. In fact, many people use it without knowing it; for example, when they go to the supermarket, when they organize and classify their emails, when they make payments for services and carry out financial transactions online.

In other words, we are increasingly surrounded by—or integrated into—generalized automated actions.

RPA + AI, its relevance and impact

In this regard, Juan Rella, solutions architect at GlobalLogic LATAM, states that “Artificial Intelligence is a computer science discipline that seeks to create systems and programs capable of performing tasks that require human intelligence.” Therefore, it allows us to perform more complex and advanced tasks than the simple automation of repetitive activities (which are directed by robotic process automation or RPA).

Similarly, both technologies are transforming the way procedures and work are carried out in different industries. Thus, by combining the power of RPA and AI in process improvement, on the one hand, routine tasks can be automated and, on the other, AI can provide intelligence and learning capacity to tackle more complex tasks.

Some success stories that illustrate how these systems can be applied to optimize techniques and improve productivity are the banking sector and the healthcare industry. In the former, they are used to automate tasks such as identity verification, loan application processing, fraud detection, and risk analysis. In the latter, they are used to streamline billing and claims processing, medical records management, appointment scheduling, and patient care; and AI is used in computer-assisted medical diagnosis, early disease detection, and treatment personalization.

“Since the processes were automated and errors were reduced, customers and end users receive better service and faster, more accurate attention. In addition, this way they are provided with a more personalized experience, since they can receive quick and accurate answers and solutions to their needs and questions ,” says the specialist.

While there are considerations to achieve better results in terms of operational efficiency (such as the appropriate selection of processes to automate, data security, training and organizational change), Artificial Intelligence and automation processes are considered to present great benefits and opportunities for society. These include better understanding reality, predicting trends, identifying variables that contribute to vulnerability or inequality, evaluating the impact of projects and defining new actions and policies that respond to real needs.