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SANTA CLARA, Calif.–January 10, 2025–GlobalLogic Inc, una empresa del Grupo...
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GlobalLogic ofrece una combinación única de experiencia y conocimientos en la intersección entre datos, diseño e ingeniería.
ContáctanosRecent events in the country have once again put the spotlight on the actions we take at home, business and social levels to care for the environment. According to the UN, natural disasters are the result of the alarming increase in the Earth’s temperature, a product of carbon emissions.
According to their projections, without a conscious decision to care for the planet, an increase of more than 3 degrees is expected, threatening to bring devastating consequences. For this reason, a series of objectives have been set for 2030 to be met in order to save our habitat. This call for attention has been widely taken by society, which is reflected in the policies adopted by companies in order to do their part.
Considering that 2019 has been a record year for carbon emissions and in its commitment to continue growing sustainably, GlobalLogic , a leading technology solutions development company, embarked on a path in 2020 that crossed all areas of the company, inviting it to rethink the performance of its activities from a more eco-friendly perspective. This is the Carbon Footprint measurement project , a study that was carried out together with Kolibrí, an environmental management consultancy, for the first time at a regional level in Argentina.
The results of this assessment provided a diagnosis of the company’s situation in terms of carbon emissions per employee and per dollar invoiced. Based on this diagnosis, mitigation and impact reduction actions are planned. Among them, carbon emissions generated during the year will be offset by the recovery of equivalent hectares of native forests in Argentina.
Furthermore, this study helped to identify strategic paths in relation to the new normal – such as redefining the use of offices -, demonstrating once again that the economic-business, social and environmental aspects form a whole in coherence and mutual collaboration.
“Following this line and excited by these advances in Argentina, the region hopes to disseminate this assessment globally with the intention of multiplying the scope and aligning objectives internationally” says Juan Bello , Business Head of GlobalLogic Latam . “IT companies must do their part to meet an enormous challenge: guarantee the development of our industry without leaving aside our commitment to sustainability, our ambition to reduce environmental impact and the projection of a better future for all.”
This initiative was also accompanied by an analysis of the company’s purchases throughout its entire value chain, detecting opportunities for improvement in this area. A sustainable purchasing policy, the development of a database of goods and services with a focus on triple impact, new environmental initiatives with current suppliers and an evaluation of potential providers that develop their business with a sustainable approach, are some of the projects that this study led to for GlobalLogic Argentina.
IT companies today have a historic opportunity: to support, through their actions, innovations and projects, the awareness that the population has gained regarding the care of the planet. GlobalLogic once again shows itself as a pioneer and promoter of this trend at a national and international level.