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AI GovernanceMLOpsTechnology
The digital age presents unprecedented potential due to the emergence of new technologies that offer efficiency and innovation to the various operations within a company. From the automation of repetitive tasks to the analysis of large volumes of information, Artificial Intelligence (AI) is undoubtedly the technology that industries are taking advantage of the most to improve their services. 

However, the impact of these systems raises challenges, and their growing implementation and use by society in general raises the need to apply ethics . That is, values ​​and principles that guide the development and use of technology to ensure transparent and responsible integration by all.

As Gabriel Arango , Head of Technology at GlobalLogic LatAm , points out , “Artificial intelligence tools, especially generative ones like ChatGPT , are powerful and disruptive technologies that not only follow the same principles as other technologies; they must also refrain from entering proprietary information as input data and review the output data generated by GenAI tools to mitigate the risk of errors and security vulnerabilities . ”

While the very nature of artificial intelligence allows it to act without direct human intervention, its systems are driven by a massive collection of information from individuals. This poses challenges in the area of ​​ethics and transparency: on the one hand, the data with which the algorithms are trained may contain biases that lead to discriminatory results ; on the other, the algorithms may be contaminated by false information that may endanger the privacy of users. 

Both scenarios, instead of optimizing the service and generating loyalty in people, negatively affect the user experience and reputation, in this case, of companies . For this reason, we go beyond the research and development of artificial intelligence systems and establish regulatory frameworks that make transparent how data is used and decisions are made, as well as instructions to combine the human with the computational. 

“At the information security level, at GlobalLogic we have evaluated and tested different AI tools and solutions to recommend to our clients or partners, but only those that guarantee the security and privacy of the data used. And, at an internal level, a usage policy has been incorporated (Acceptable Use Policy for GenAI Tools by GlobalLogic Personnel), as well as mandatory training and coaching for all those involved in product development in order not to affect their quality and to understand the associated advantages and risks ,” Arango shares.

The likelihood of future damage is always present, however. AI tools work with users’ IP addresses, enabling unauthorized disclosure of proprietary information. In other words, third-party code, confidential information, and personal data of companies and their customers can be leaked through interaction with the technology, causing a violation of intellectual property and copyright.

Corporate transparency and ethics therefore not only involve prohibiting both the entry of sensitive data and the use of AI-generated content for product development, but also presenting contracts aligned with information security requirements that disclose risks, potential intellectual property leaks into or out of the product, and the like. It is essential to obtain explicit prior written consent from the client to use these tools.

With limits still unknown, these business practices are important to build trust in technology and companies. Rapid progress may make regulations obsolete, but they must still be comprehensively established. Consequently, the debate on ethics in popular tools such as artificial intelligence is increasingly relevant in the digital world. Companies have the task of understanding these complex systems and their ethical principles to avoid inappropriate use . In this way, they will demonstrate a commitment to transparency, security and the well-being of their customers that will allow them to stand out in the market.

“There is no doubt that AI, and in particular the generative AI branch, will impact and revolutionize to a large extent the way we will develop software in the future and the workplace, ” concludes Arango . “We are moving from a team-centered model to an AI-centered one. That is why we are testing AI-based assistants, managing to substantially improve the productivity of development teams and the quality of the software developed. Although the impact on the different industries is still uncertain, surely the application of ethics, supervision and transparency will be positive to improve the user experience and the quality of the services offered . ”