Introduction to Geospatial Mapping Services

Our Maps Contribution

1500+ Map Engineers | 12+ Years of experience | Spread across Global locations

Maps Creation

  • Base maps & geometry features creation for the top three maps providers across the globe
  • > 100M kms navigable roads mapped globally

Maps Enhancement

  • Maps Data Operations, Research Based Operations using 2D and 3D image modelling
  • ~394.57K km of coastlines & 138 rivers mapped across Africa and South America

Maps Maintenance

  • Navigation and Cartographic feature maintenance and Research-Based Operation Management
  • Periodic revisits and Targeted analytical updates for specific attributes.

OpenStreetMap Capabilities

OpenStreetMap(OSM) is a free and editable global map created by a large and growing community of mappers. With years of experience in creating Maps using OSM map editor resources, we have built, enhanced & maintained the best mapping data.

Maps Creation

  • 60 countries
  • 10M kms of highways improved and mapped, globally

Maps Enhancement

  • 225K of coastlines improved
  • 7K piers, 1.7K beaches, 231 dams, 1K water features added and improved

Maps Maintenance

  • 100+ countries
  • Smart checks, Navigation testing, User Feedback, New Attributes

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GlobalLogic ofrece una combinación única de experiencia y conocimientos en la intersección entre datos, diseño e ingeniería.