
The Economics of Digital Transformation

By Dr. Jim Walsh

Learn about the three most prominent approaches to digital transformation and how to select the best one based on your business' technical, operational, and economic variables.

Innovators and Laggards: The Technology Landscape of 2019

By Dr. Jim Walsh

In the 1960s, sociologist Everett Rogers produced a roadmap showing how innovations are adopted and, eventually, become obsolete. Later, author Geoffrey Moore wrote a book called “Crossing the Chasm” that detailed how companies and technologies succeed or fail to progress from “early adopter” to “early majority” status. Moore’s work further popularized Roger’s categories, and words like “innovator” and “early adopter” have become a firm fixture of the Silicon Valley and world-wide technology vocabulary.


By Karolina Busz

It’s 2077. A 95-year-old man, Martin, begins his day with a wholesome breakfast followed by a healthy walk prescribed by his caregiver. He is feeling fine. He has long been looked after by specialists who monitor his health and know everything about his illnesses and ailments. He still has dozens of years ahead of him before he turns 122, the current average life expectancy of humans living on Earth.

What Makes A Software Architect?

By Dr. Jim Walsh

Mobile apps often have many screens and features, so how do you know where to look when there’s a performance issue? Learn the fastest, most efficient way to profile your mobile app.

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