GlobalLogic Cafe: DevOps Acceleration Using App Modernization Approach for Azure

In this Cafe session, hosted by GlobalLogic and Microsoft, we share an overview of modern application development and the benefits it provides. We focus on segmenting the applications based on customer needs and how to achieve desired business outcomes. The session showcases best practices and the building blocks that customers typically rely on while designing modern cloud applications in two segments of applications development:

  1. Rapid application development
  2. Cloud native application development

We also discuss the benefits of the Microsoft Azure platform, as well as the various tools and building blocks, resources, and accelerators that we have used to successfully help customers modernize the applications. The session demonstrates how some of the solutions (e.g. GlobalLogic’s OpeNgine) have been used to  stitch the various parts of the Azure cloud environment together and use the managed Kubernetes platform for faster Application Services deployments.


  • Moninder Bhogal, AVP - Head Of Cloud Practice, GlobalLogic
  • Mike Richter, Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft
  • Tommy Falgout, Cloud Solution Architect, Microsoft
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