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As Senior Vice President of Engineering and Head of Consumer, Communications, and Media vertical at GlobalLogic India & APAC, Vikram Puranik plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of Communication Service Providers.

In an era marked by rapid digital transformation, the telecommunications sector stands at the forefront of innovation, adapting to meet the evolving needs of businesses and consumers alike. As Senior Vice President of Engineering and Head of Consumer, Communications, and Media vertical at GlobalLogic India & APAC, Vikram Puranik plays a pivotal role in shaping the future of Communication Service Providers and Network Equipment Providers. With a focus on accelerating the digital journey of CSPs, he leads GlobalLogic in developing advanced telecom solutions leveraging technologies such as 5G, IoT, and AI/ML. In an interaction with Shubhendu Parth, he delves into key topics including the role of AI in transitioning to software-optimized networks, India’s focus on modernizing OSS and BSS, harnessing Open RAN, and the crucial role of cloud technology in bridging the digital divide. Excerpts:

GlobalLogic seems to have its fingers in many pies. Could you highlight the key areas the company is currently focusing on?

Our focus spans across various domains. Primarily, we excel in digital transformation, encompassing elements like designing seamless customer experiences, intricate engineering solutions, data analytics, and personalization strategies. Our expertise extends to collaborating with telecom technology firms and telecommunications companies, catering to a significant portion of the telecom market. We also have robust partnerships with leading telecom operators worldwide, with some of them ranking among our top clients. Additionally, the communications and media sector represent a substantial portion of our revenue stream.


As we evolved, we particularly thrived in our collaborations with software product companies. We have leveraged our prowess in product engineering and agile development to bring innovative solutions to the telecom and tech sectors. For instance, we delve into topics like Gen AI and telecom, focusing on open standards such as Open API to address legacy technology challenges prevalent in the telecom industry.

Could you elaborate on the solutions GlobalLogic provides to telecom tech companies and telecom players?

We are pioneers in digital product engineering services, offering accelerators to expedite product roadmaps for telecom tech firms. Our solutions revolve around two main pillars, the modernisation of Business Support Systems (BSS) and Operations Support Systems (OSS) and digital customer experience.

We specialise in revamping BSS and OSS for telecom tech firms, facilitating their transition to cloud-native architectures. This involves cloud enablement and modernisation of legacy systems to meet the demands of a digital-native landscape. We also deliver seamless omnichannel experiences, spanning mobile apps, websites, chatbots, and social media interactions. By incorporating Gen AI capabilities, we empower telecom players to enhance customer support through automation and self-service options, revolutionising traditional customer service models.

Moreover, we offer tailored solutions to telecom operators, ranging from subscriber migration facilitation during mergers and acquisitions to the development of mobile apps and websites for enhanced customer engagement. Additionally, we assist in monetising investments in 5G infrastructure, catering to both consumer and enterprise segments through innovative use cases like private 5G networks for airports and factories.

Do you also collaborate with enterprises in deploying private 5G infrastructure and associated applications?

Yes, indeed. Our involvement in private 5G initiatives encompasses two aspects. Firstly, we collaborate with telecom operators to set up private 5G networks for enterprises, ensuring seamless integration and configuration. Secondly, we specialise in developing enterprise-specific use cases and applications to maximise the utility of private 5G infrastructure. This includes deploying applications for various industries such as airports, manufacturing facilities, and automotive sectors, aimed at enhancing safety, efficiency, and customer experiences.

Given your expertise in both OTT and telecom sectors, how do you address the convergence of revenue streams between them?

We bridge the gap between communication and media industries by offering comprehensive solutions tailored to their needs. On the media front, we focus on enhancing user experiences across OTT platforms through front-end development and back-end support, including content management systems and monetisation strategies. Leveraging our expertise in telecom and OTT technologies, we collaborate with leading media tech companies to provide end-to-end solutions, encompassing video transcoding, content management, and digital rights management.

Additionally, we assist telecom operators in ensuring the quality of their video platforms through rigorous testing and automation processes, thereby enhancing the overall customer experience. As the industry evolves, we continue to innovate and adapt to emerging trends, facilitating seamless integration and monetization opportunities across communication and media domains.

Going ahead, which advancements do you foresee impacting the communication, connectivity, and networking realms, as well as the OTT sector?

There are several transformative technologies poised to reshape the landscape. Advancements in next-generation fibre optic technologies, such as Hollow Core Fibre, are aimed at optimising existing communication infrastructure. By refining the efficiency of data transmission through these fibres, we aim to enhance network capabilities. Next, small and medium-sized operators in Europe and APAC are driving the adoption of Open Radio Access Network (ORAN) solutions, coupled with cloud-enabled 5G core architectures. This facilitates the transition from hardware-centric to software-defined networks, enabling greater agility and scalability.

We can also expect Gen AI to transform contact centres and customer touch points. The evolution from traditional call centres to automated chatbot-driven interactions powered by Gen AI technologies is poised to revolutionise customer service experiences, offering enhanced efficiency and personalisation. The integration of 5G and IoT technologies, particularly in enterprise settings, presents another big opportunity for advanced applications such as Advanced Driver Assistance Systems (ADAS), telematics, and computer vision. These use cases span industries like transportation, manufacturing, and logistics, offering improved operational efficiencies and safety measures.

Last but not least, by leveraging AI and machine learning algorithms, networks are becoming increasingly autonomous and adaptive. This enables dynamic reconfiguration and optimization based on real-time data, enhancing network performance and reliability.

And how do you envision these advancements evolving in 2024?

In 2024, we anticipate further maturation and adoption of these technologies, particularly in terms of autonomy and intelligence. The evolution of ETSI standards, such as Level 4 autonomy in network architectures, will lead to reduced human intervention and greater AI-driven decision-making. For example, AI systems will autonomously reconfigure network infrastructure in response to events like natural disasters or equipment failures, ensuring uninterrupted service delivery.

Similarly, AI-driven transformations in customer service will continue to evolve, offering more personalized and efficient support experiences. This includes advanced chatbot interactions, predictive issue resolution, and proactive service optimization. Also, telcos will need to restructure their organizations to effectively cater to enterprise clients. This involves establishing specialized tiers focused on consulting, functional enablement, and product customization. Companies like GlobalLogic will play a pivotal role in facilitating this transition by offering functional enablement services.

Overall, 2024 will witness a deeper integration of AI and advanced technologies across communication, connectivity, and networking domains, leading to more intelligent and adaptive systems.

Given the ongoing deployment of 5G infrastructure and the pivot of telcos towards enterprise services, how do you perceive the role of IoT and AI in this landscape?

IoT and AI are integral to the evolution of telecom services, particularly in enabling value-added offerings for enterprises. Traditionally, telcos provided connectivity services, but now they are expanding their role to offer end-to-end solutions. This entails not only providing platforms and connectivity but also partnering with businesses to develop customized IoT solutions. GlobalLogic plays a crucial role in this ecosystem by facilitating device certification, building customized software, and enabling end-to-end IoT solutions. As telcos transition towards offering comprehensive IoT solutions, we collaborate closely with them to ensure seamless integration and delivery of value-added services.

Could you elaborate on how telcos are transitioning from providing connectivity to offering end-to-end IoT solutions, and how GlobalLogic contributes to this shift?

Telcos are shifting from merely providing connectivity to co-building end-to-end IoT solutions with businesses. This involves collaborating with companies like GlobalLogic to develop IoT platforms, APIs, and embedded OEM code for device certification. Our role extends to customizing software, analyzing data insights, and co-building industry-specific IoT solutions. By partnering closely with telcos, we enable them to offer comprehensive IoT solutions that go beyond connectivity, thus enhancing their value proposition to businesses.

Are there any specific industries or use cases where you foresee significant IoT deployments in the future?

Indeed. One notable area is the deployment of IoT solutions in smart factories. Telcos are collaborating with manufacturing companies to enable 5G-powered IoT infrastructure, facilitating automation and optimization of factory operations. Additionally, industries such as transportation, logistics, and utilities are also ripe for IoT deployments, offering opportunities for enhanced efficiency, safety, and cost savings.

Are there any ongoing initiatives or collaborations in India regarding IoT and 5G deployments?

Currently, our focus is primarily on initiatives in North America and Japan. However, as the IoT and 5G landscape evolves in India, we remain open to exploring potential collaborations and partnerships in the region.

With India’s recent foray into satellite-based communication through the open space policy, does GlobalLogic have a role to play in this domain?

While satellite-based communication holds immense potential, particularly in addressing connectivity challenges in remote areas, our focus primarily lies in collaborating with telcos to enable ground-based infrastructure and services. Companies like SpaceX’s Starlink may provide downlink solutions, but the actual services are likely to be provided by established telecom operators like Airtel and Jio. However, we continue to monitor developments in satellite communication and explore potential opportunities for collaboration in related technologies.

Given the importance of network infrastructure in enabling 5G deployment, could you shed some light on GlobalLogic’s involvement in this area?

As telcos transition to 5G, the need for robust network infrastructure becomes paramount. GlobalLogic is actively involved in developing protocols and software solutions for various network components, including fronthaul, middle haul, and backhaul. We work closely with telcos and technology partners to ensure the seamless integration and optimization of these components, thereby enabling the efficient and scalable deployment of 5G networks. Our focus is on enabling multiple protocols and architectures to support the diverse requirements of 5G networks and ensure their reliability and performance.

What about your approach to product development and service offerings?

At GlobalLogic, our focus is on delivering value to our customers through service accelerators and technology horizontals. Rather than competing with our customers’ software products, we provide them with specialised services and solutions to expedite their product roadmaps and enhance productivity. Our service accelerators encompass areas such as cloud enablement, advanced data analytics, omnichannel user experience, and large-scale test automation. By working at a horizontal level, we aim to increase predictability and scalability while delivering quality outcomes for our customers.


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Vikram Puranik

Sr Vice President – Engineering & Head of Consumer, Communications, and Media vertical, GlobalLogic India & APAC





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