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Search Enablement for Visually Challenged Shoppers

The customer is an American multinational technology company that specializes in Internet-related services and products. They partnered with GlobalLogic in 2018 with an aim to cater to and improve the end-user experience of all kinds of audiences in the US shopping domain. The customer’s mission was to recurate product titles for an accurate and quicker response.


Globallogic specializes in Text to speech domain and its expertise lies in the curation of Product titles for end-users, especially for the visually impaired customers who prefer shopping by listening to the product titles. As part of the engagement, GlobalLogic helped visually impaired online shoppers to search and shop efficiently. The team carefully examined product titles and identified areas where they could be curated apart from forming techniques that could be used to curate high volume.



  • Globallogic created a well trained team with a capacity of curating 33000+ product titles within a month.
  • 95% accuracy maintained while catering to a vast range of categories.
  • We identified techniques to curate sound titles for visually impaired customers who are shopping digitally.
  • We filtered trending keywords and re-curated product titles for an accurate and quicker response.

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