We Take Pride in Our Work

We have partnered with some of the world’s most prominent brands.

Delivering efficiency gains for AI & ML driven projects

The customer is one of the largest American multinational technology companies in the world that envisions and creates products and tools of the future for billions of users. For AI & ML driven products, machine learning algorithms are created and improvised through high quality and unbiased datasets via human evaluation or judgement.


The customer partnered with GlobalLogic to support their AI & ML driven products and product launches. GlobalLogic not only provided world class human evaluation services, but also drove efficiency gains for the clients using Lean, Six Sigma and Agile methodologies. These efforts led to efficiency gains of ~$1M in the last 5 years for the client.



Human judgement researchers first explore the influence of algorithmic risk assessments on human decision-making which helps to develop AI & ML driven machines and applications. GlobalLogic’s role is to understand the model requirement, rate and provide high quality and unbiased datasets through human evaluation process.

  • Images: Human judgment team contributes the most to the Image labeling platform. 75% of our work revolves around different types of emerging technologies which helps in refining Image search results and also ensures seamless end user experience.
  • Audio: Labelling audios is another complex yet interesting platform of human judgment operations, where we identify speech, emotions & music availability in the audio clips as per model’s requirement, and gather more information about the background recording conditions while the audio content is active.
  • Video: Video annotation is relatively a new and challenging platform in human judgment space as it involves a higher degree of subjectivity which involves identification of emotions and sensitive content as well.


We have supported several multipurpose products through labelling of 300+ million images, audios & videos, contributing to a total of 1 billion+ human judgements. We have drastically enhanced the client’s AI and ML applications, and provided improved cost efficiencies via innovative efficiency projects and expanding our horizons to other lines of businesses.

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