
Game Theory, Biology, and the Future of Business Travel

By Dr. Jim Walsh

When COVID is no longer forcing us to stay home, will we choose to work from home anyway?

Innovators and Laggards: The Technology Landscape of 2019

By Dr. Jim Walsh

In the 1960s, sociologist Everett Rogers produced a roadmap showing how innovations are adopted and, eventually, become obsolete. Later, author Geoffrey Moore wrote a book called “Crossing the Chasm” that detailed how companies and technologies succeed or fail to progress from “early adopter” to “early majority” status. Moore’s work further popularized Roger’s categories, and words like “innovator” and “early adopter” have become a firm fixture of the Silicon Valley and world-wide technology vocabulary.

What Makes A Software Architect?

By Dr. Jim Walsh

Mobile apps often have many screens and features, so how do you know where to look when there’s a performance issue? Learn the fastest, most efficient way to profile your mobile app.

12 Secrets of Digital Transformation: Part 9

By Dr. Jim Walsh

Secret #9: Get Help. A third-party implementation partner can help you be more effective as a change agent within your company and even hold yourself accountable throughout your progress.

Enterprise Cloud Cost Management - Part 2

By Faisal Mushtaq

In Part 2 of this blog series, we define a comprehensive cost management framework and take a deep dive into initial planning processes and operational visibility.

Distributed Agile Patterns: Defining Overlap Time

By Shrikant Vashishtha

Distributed Agile teams are the reality these days, so how can teams mitigate communication issues due to significant time zone differences?

Cloud Trends and Challenges

By Yogesh Mehra

Omniscope interviewed tenured GlobalLogic employee Yogesh Mehra about the trends and challenges facing cloud computing

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Innovators and Laggards: The Technology Landscape of 2019

Innovators and Laggards: The Technology Landscape of 2019

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