Make an impact
beyond the code

GlobalLogic enables you to impact people’s lives with the digital products that we engineer together

Everything in the world runs on digital technology. From the moment you wake up in the morning to the time you go to sleep, and even during sleep — you are interacting with technologies that enhance our lives and make the world a better place. All of these interactions are created using the software. In today's world, software engineers have the magical power to innovate and help create a better future for people and the planet. Software Engineers make an impact beyond the code.


Impact on the Financial Industry

The impact of technology on financial services is undeniable and continues to grow, contributing to a revolution in the way we manage our finances. This would not have happened if there were no GlobalLogic engineers and their activities in creating innovative products and services.

Teams working in Fintech projects play a key role in the transformation of the banking sector, introducing solutions that impact our everyday financial activities. The work of our specialists influences, among other things, the improvement of secure payments, mobile applications and online banking.

Thanks to technology and the involvement of developers, the world of finance is becoming simpler and more accessible to users. Join the team to create solutions for the future, together.

Impact on the Technology Industry

Migration to the cloud environment, AR and VR solutions, BigData, artificial intelligence… These are some of the areas in which GlobalLogic engineers help companies around the world to develop and scale, and to the society - to gain new great experiences.

The speed and security of payments, smart cars and smart houses, online education, modern medicine, are achievements that have become possible thanks to the development of technology. At GlobalLogic, we are happy to influence progress that improves the quality of life.

Join our team to create something important together.

Impact on the Semiconductor Industry

Semiconductors are a huge industry that pushes the world forward. They are everywhere: from irons and telephones to computers and cars. The complexity of microcircuits continues to grow and their size decreases, approaching the size of an atom.

Thanks to such an important semiconductor industry, GlobalLogic engineers influence the development of modern technologies in many different fields. We are proud to work with partners who are leaders in their segments and together influence the evolution of technology.

Join our team to create something important together.

Impact on Security

Thanks to the company's developments in the field of security, users around the world can make secure online payments and banking transactions, go on a journey while their home is monitored, and, thanks to a modern view, observe their children's peaceful sleep.

We are proud to create the best technological solutions to make the world safer. Join the team to create something important together.

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Impact on Retail

Retail is present in our lives every day - from the moment of buying morning coffee to ordering dinner delivery online. We use modern technologies when making purchases through a digital panel or scanning goods at a self-service checkout. When using loyalty programs or ordering purchases online in another corner of the world.

Thanks to the impact of GlobalLogic engineers, the work of millions of warehouses, retail chains, food establishments around the world has been automated, and each of us can enjoy the best shopping experience thanks to modern technologies.

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Impact on Industry

Modern digital technologies - digital twins, connected buildings, data monetization, robotics, 3D - are widely used in construction. Our talented engineers are well versed in such technologies. Thanks to them, cities are growing with comfortable and safe houses, offices, railway stations, airports, and kindergartens.

We at GlobalLogic are happy that our developments help to create and build.

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Impact at Telecom

GlobalLogic engineers bring people together through communication. These developments allow people to hear and see each other thousands of kilometers away, as if they were in the same room. The technologies that GlobalLogic engineers work on connect millions of smart devices, from medical devices to smart cars. It helps get medical help faster, makes road traffic safer, and allows construction and retail to become greener. Thanks to the communication technologies developed by our developers, millions of children are learning online.

We are proud of the impact our people have on this world. Join a team to create something important together.
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Impact on the media industry

GlobalLogic engineers are creating technologies today that the world will use tomorrow. You feel the contribution of our engineers when you watch an impressive movie through a streaming service. When enjoying a spectacular football match. Or, for example, watching the exciting opening of the Olympic Games.

Much of today's world music is created with software from GlobalLogic engineers. And digitalization of paper media saved thousands of trees on the planet.
We are proud of the impact our people have on this world. Join a team to create something important together.

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Impact on the healthcare industry

GlobalLogic engineers make an impact on the lives of each of us. More than 22 million people in the world use the developments of our specialists in the medical field.

The software code of GlobalLogic engineers makes blood donation safe, ensures the operation of defibrillators and insulin pumps. He also manages pain-relieving implants and complex resuscitation equipment.
The code of our developers saves life, and also makes it healthier, more active and happier. You use the developments of GlobalLogic engineers when you do sports or monitor healthy sleep.

The impact that engineers make to the Healthcare industry is truly invaluable. Join a team to do important things together.

Impact on the automotive industry

Engineers make modern cars smart, interactive, and most importantly, safer and more environmentally friendly. We at GlobalLogic help the top brands of the global automotive industry to change the perception of the modern car.

On average, a person today spends 500 hours! in a car for a year. The cars programmed by our engineers allow you to spend this time interestingly, usefully, and most importantly, make car travel safer.

We are engaged in the development of infotainment systems, autopilot, collision avoidance systems, car computer vision functions, and other important things.
Join a team of engineers impact to the cars of the future.

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Why it's important to share stories of your own impact

Gathering requirements, planning and distributing tasks, development, code review, testing and committing new features, retrospective with the team — at first glance, the work of most IT specialists looks like this.
 But in reality, the results of this work extend far beyond the software code. Thanks to the impact of developers, the world becomes healthier, safer, and more ecological. We communicate with each other via video, watch our favorite series on streaming, visit a doctor online or watch the fantastic opening of the Olympic Games. Smart medical devices, such as blood donation machines, insulin pumps, pain-relieving implants, or autopilot cars were also created thanks to the impact of GlobalLogic’s developers in particular. They spread the impact through their code.


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Stories of the impact of our people:


We make sure that your meals are even tastier!

"My team and I are creating a software solution through which we collect, define and manage various data about household appliances to make your cooking easier.

In this way, we collect various data related to household appliances such as design elements on your oven (fonts, sound, icons), programs for preparing meals and processes such as grilling, plate sensors, pyrolysis, etc. Based on this data, we generate and publish instructions for electronics.

The final result is a home appliance in your home that will bake a perfect cake every time!"

Marko Šarić, Software Engineer, GlobalLogic Croatia


Device that improves quality of life

“When you see the headline "Device that improves lives" on the web, and the article is about the insulin pump, which is a device you are working on, it gives you a special sense of pride and satisfaction.

My team, which consists of ten top engineers, participates in the development of new generations of software that are installed in such an insulin pump. On a daily basis, we come across testimonials from patients who got help from this very product in establishing a better quality of life.

Diabetes is a disease that sets limitations in life, and we contribute to making these limitations more flexible and enable people to have a better quality of life."

Suzana Jagušt Kolevski, Healthcare Team Lead Manager, GlobalLogic Croatia


Protection of data in case of hacking a car

“Modernization of the automotive industry with new technologies of driving, management, internal communication and communication with the environment, implies an increasing need to protect vehicles from hacker attacks and unauthorized access to data. Our team has developed a solution that protects diagnostic data in case of hacking a car or the infrastructure connected to the car. The solution enables access to protected diagnostic data in the form of an approved, timely and compositionally correct request only to those persons who have the necessary valid authorization.

Technically speaking, the solution is based on the classic AUTOSAR platform and the use of cryptographic algorithms”.

Marin Bogdan, Software Developer, GlobalLogic Croatia


Contactless operating of elevators

"At the beginning of the year, I was involved in a new project, the scope of the project included various innovations in the field of elevators. I have to admit that until that moment I neither thought about the functionalities provided by this product, nor did I know that the Covid pandemic could affect the development of elevators to such an extent. All this time I have been working on the implementation of a unique Bluetooth device that enables contactless management of the elevator, that is, avoiding physical interaction with the elevator.

The mentioned functionality means fast and efficient management of elevators, without any physical contact, which is how we work to preserve the health of our users."

Martin Meštrić, Software Engineer, GlobalLogic Croatia

GlobalLogic’s 28,000 engineers in 15 countries are contributing to this world right now. Join a team to create something important together:

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