Materials from GlobalLogic MeetUP on Adaptive AUTOSAR

On September 15th GlobalLogic held MeetUP "Future Intelligent Mobility with Adaptive AUTOSAR - Transforming Vehicle E/E Architecture". Our speaker was software engineer Abhishek Babhulkar.

Learn about the huge transformation the industry is going through, among other things, because of the rapid electrification and the rise of autonomous driving.

At the center point of this transformation is automotive electronics, and Adaptive AUTOSAR is driving this transformation. Adaptive AUTOSAR came with a paradigm shift in the design, with the delivery strategies of automotive software and with introduced technologies like POSIX based OS, OTA updates and SOA, to name a few to automotive embedded systems. All leading OEM’s are adapting Adaptive AUTOSAR to power their class-leading features.

In this presentation, we will see the "Why, How, and What" of Adaptive AUTOSAR, the networking in the automotive embedded systems, and an overview of SOA for communication to understand the future of communication among systems in vehicles.

About the speaker:
Abhishek Babhulkar, Software Engineer has been working in the Embedded industry for around 6 years, out of which he spent a significant amount of time working in AUTOSAR. He also has experience in industrial IOT and automation.
He has worked with premium partners of the AUTOSAR consortium, during which he contributed to AUTOSAR classic 4.4 and AUTOSAR adaptive 20.11.


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