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SANTA CLARA, Calif.–January 10, 2025– GlobalLogic Inc., a Hitachi Group Com...
1. Preamble
Corporate Social Responsibility is the continuing commitment by business to perform ethically and contribute to economic development while improving the quality of life of the workforce and their families as well as of the local community and society at large. CSR is clearly on capacity building, empowerment of communities, inclusive socioeconomic growth, environment protection, promotion of green and energy efficient technologies, development of backward regions, and upliftment of the marginalized and under-privileged sections of the society. CSR covers the entire process by which an organization approaches, defines and develops its relationships with stakeholders for the common good, and demonstrates its commitment in this regard by adoption of appropriate strategies and projects. Thus CSR is not charity or mere donations but a way of going beyond business as usual, creating shared value and contributing to social and environmental good.
2. Purpose
The Corporate Social Responsibility Committee (the “Committee”) is appointed by the Board of Directors (the “Board”) of Globallogic India Limited (“GlobalLogic” or the “Company”) to assist the Board in carrying out its responsibilities in respect of Corporate Social Responsibility. This policy will serve as a guiding document to help identify, execute and monitor CSR projects in keeping with the spirit of the policy. The CSR policy would function as a self-regulating mechanism for Globallogic CSR activities and enable adherence to applicable laws in this regard. The Board will revise this Mandate from time to time based on its assessment of the Company’s needs, legal and regulatory developments, and applicable best practices.
3. Vision
Globallogic’s strategy is to integrate its activities in community development, social responsibility and environmental responsibility and encourage each business unit or function to include these considerations into its operations. Globallogic is committed to identifying and supporting programs aimed at:
4. Scope
This policy will apply to all projects/programs undertaken as part of the Company’s Corporate Social Responsibility activities and will be developed, reviewed and updated by Committee from time to time. This policy is also in line with the Sec.135 of Companies Act, 2013 and rules specified thereunder. The scope of CSR activities would cover the following areas for the year 2015-2016:
5. Governance
Overall governance of CSR and approving of the CSR Policy will be the responsibility of the CSR Committee of the Board. The CSR Committee of Globallogic will be responsible for administering and executing the policy. As the Company’s CSR activities evolve further, the policy may be revised with the approval of the CSR Committee of the Board.
6. CSR Committee Composition
Globallogic will institute a CSR Committee of the Board consisting of three directors or more including at least two Independent Directors. The Chair of the Committee shall be designated by the Board from among the Committee members.
Consistent with the above, the CSR Committee of the Board currently has the following members:
7. Access to Management and Independent Advisors
Committee members will have full access to management of the Company to discuss any matter which the member may wish to discuss or obtain additional information on.
The Committee has the authority to retain, set the terms of and compensate independent legal, financial or other advisors, consultants or experts that it determines necessary to assist it in carrying out its duties.
The Committee may conduct any investigation appropriate to its responsibilities, and request any officer or other employee of the Company, or any outside advisor, to attend a meeting of the Committee or to meet with any members of, or advisors to, the Committee.
8. Duties of the Committee Members
The Committee is responsible for overseeing the establishment and implementation of corporate social responsibility policies and practices and for monitoring the Company’s performance against such policies and practices as well as applicable laws and regulations. The Committee’s duties with respect to corporate social responsibility matters shall include:
9. Responsibility of the Committee Members
The primary responsibility of Committee members is to act honestly and in good faith and to exercise their business judgment in what they reasonably believe to be the best interests of GlobalLogic and its shareholders. In addition to the responsibilities of Committee members as directors of the Company, the Board has developed the following specific expectations of Committee members to promote the discharge by the Committee members of their responsibilities and to promote the proper conduct of the Committee:
10. Meeting
The Committee must meet atleast four times in a Year at appropriate intervals. Additional meetings may be called upon serving of proper notice at any time to address specific needs of the Company. The Committee may also take action from time to time by unanimous written consent. A Committee meeting may be called by the Committee Chairman, or any Committee member. The meeting must be held within business hours on a day which is not a public holiday.
Where any meeting of the Committee adjourns due to any reason the same shall stand adjourned till the next week at the same time and place on a day which is not a public holiday.
The extracts of the meeting must be recorded in the Minutes and shall be signed and confirm by next meeting by the Chairman of the meeting or where such chairman cease to be chairman or committee member then by Chairman of the next meeting.
11. Agenda and Notice
Notice of the time and place of each meeting of the Committee must be served to each Committee member either by personal delivery, electronic mail, facsimile or other electronic means by not less than 7 clear days before the date of the meeting. However, whenever necessary Committee meetings may be held at any time at a shorter notice if all of the Committee members consent to hold meeting at a shorter notice or in case of urgency without serving upon notice where a Committee member participating in a Committee meeting is deemed to have waived notice of the meeting. The practice of the Committee is to provide notice of meetings to all directors in order that they may attend the meeting.
The Chairman of the Committee shall establish the agenda for each Committee meeting. The agenda of the business to be transacted at meeting shall be distributed to Committee members along with Notice. Each Committee member is free to request the inclusion of other agenda items.
12. Quorum and Attendance
A quorum for any Committee meeting shall be one-third of its total strength (any fraction contained in that one-third to be rounded off as one) or two members, whichever is higher. A Committee member who is unable to attend a Committee meeting in person may participate by telephone or teleconference or by video Conference but for the purpose of quorum only attendance through video conference will be counted.
13. CSR Budget/ Expenditure
CSR expenditure shall include all expenditure including contribution to corpus, or on projects or programs relating to CSR activities approved by the Board on the recommendation of its CSR Committee, but does not include any expenditure on an item not in conformity or not in line with activities which fall within the purview of Schedule VII of the Act
The Board of the Company shall ensure that the company spends on CSR Activities as specified by Committee, in every financial year, at least two per cent of the average net profits of the company made during the three immediately preceding financial years, in pursuance of its Corporate Social Responsibility Policy
The overall amount to be committed to CSR will be approved by the Board as part of the Company’s overall Annual Budget/Plan. Within the budgeted amount, specific CSR initiatives/projects will be approved in line with the process approved by the CSR Committee of the Board. All projects undertaken by the Company will be approved / ratified by the Company’s CSR Committee.
GlobalLogic may build CSR capacities of their own personnel as well as those of their Implementing agencies through Institutions with established track records of at least three financial years but such expenditure shall not exceed five percent of total CSR expenditure of the company in one financial year.
14. Implementation
The CSR Committee would assist in implementation and monitoring of the CSR projects/initiatives. The actual implementation of various initiatives will be broad-based with the involvement of various company employees/units or through implementing agencies like NGOs, Trusts, Societies, Section 8/ Section 25 companies, DST certified incubation centers or through collaborative projects with other corporate(s The implementation will also be screened based on the company internal screening criteria to ascertain the entity’s credibility and its ability to execute the proposed projects.
GlobalLogic may also collaborate with other companies for undertaking projects or programs or CSR activities in such a manner that the CSR Committees of respective companies are in a position to report separately on such projects or programs
Further the Company also aims at self execution process through
The CSR Commiitee and CSR Department would play a significant role in ensuring that CSR Policy is embedded across the Company’s operations and the CSR initiatives are in line with the policy.
15. Monitoring
The CSR Committee will ensure a transparent monitoring mechanism for ensuring effective implementation of the projects / programs/ activities proposed to be undertaken.
The CSR Department would have the responsibility of monitoring approved projects and funds disbursals for such projects. Monitoring mechanisms will include visits, meetings and progress/status reporting by the project teams. The Company’s CSR activities will be reviewed by the CSR Committee. A system will be put in place to maintain a transparent monitoring and reporting mechanism across all the stakeholders involved in the CSR activities of the company, as desired by the CSR Rules (Section 135, Companies Act, 2013).
The Company’s CSR Activities will be driven by a dedicated CSR Team under the guidance of the Head of Employee Services of GlobalLogic based out of Noida.
16. Reporting
Significant CSR activities and achievements will be reported as part of the Director’s Report in the Company’s Annual Report and also as per any other statutory and regulatory reporting requirements.
17. Publication on Website
The Board of Directors of the company shall, after taking into account the recommendations of CSR Committee, approve the CSR Policy for the company and disclose contents of such policy in its report and the same shall be displayed on the company’s website
18. Restrictions over CSR Programs/Projects
19. CSR Policy
GlobalLogic emphasizes on strengthening the relationship with the community by way of its association with various NGOs, charitable institutions, culture and skill development institutions etc. Programmes to be undertaken will be reviewed from time to time by the CSR Committee of the Board and specific initiatives under these will be undertaken in line with the CSR Policy in the fields as stipulated under Schedule VII of the Act as stipulated below:
20. CSR Programmes
GlobalLogic aims to undertake the following programmes for the year 2015-16
Child Education
Our education program strives to bring a meaningful and positive impact on the lives of children through effective, comprehensive approach. GlobalLogic believes that education and skill development initiatives are keys to generate more entrepreneurs and to create talent pool of skilled manpower and this can be achieved by carrying out following activities:
Green & Clean India
It has always been GlobalLogic’s endeavor to contribute towards a healthy environment by adopting environmental friendly practices. We employ best practices and clean technologies to do our bit to reduce the impact. We understand the challenges of a resource constrained planet and have focused on efforts towards mitigating the existing and emerging risks.
Poverty & Malnutrition
Study needs to be undertaken to check on the health issues / Malnutrition prevailing in GlobalLogic’s surroundings and appropriate steps need to be taken thereof.
Improving Medical services in villages
It has always been GlobalLogic’s endeavor to contribute towards improving medical facilities. We will focus efforts on:
Study needs to be undertaken to check on the health issues prevailing in GlobalLogic surrounding / nearby villages and appropriate steps need to be taken thereof.
The board of directors of GlobalLogic India Limited consists of Five directors out of which, Two are independent directors.
*Mr. Sanjay kumar, has resigned as director and committee member with the Company w.e.f. 29th January’2019.
*Mr. Bhartendu Kumar Gairola and Ms. Drushti Desai, their term expired on 22nd March, 2019 as Director and Committee Member .
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Click here to Download Whistle Blower Policy GL India
Click here to Download Audit Mandate
Click here to Download GL India_Signed FS_14-15
Click here to Download Gtl financial statements fy 2017 2018
Click here to Download Gil financial statements fy 2017 2018