Technology Capabilities
Technology CapabilitiesThis code produces the following output that can be imported into the candidate trackin...
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SANTA CLARA, Calif.–January 10, 2025– GlobalLogic Inc., a Hitachi Group Com...
GlobalLogic and Hitachi Systems Trusted Cyber Management, which is known as the Cyber S...
(Bloomberg) -- Hitachi Ltd. will pay $8.5 billion for U.S. software development company GlobalLogic Inc., a move that could help the Japanese firm expand its technology services business.
The size of the deal will increase to $9.6 billion when debt is included, Hitachi said in a statement Wednesday. The acquisition -- targeted for completion by end-July -- will be one of the largest ever for Hitachi, a storied Japanese name that grew out of electronics into a railway to electrical equipment conglomerate that’s begun investing in providing gear for the so-called internet of things. Its shares closed down 7.3% in Tokyo.
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